“Bitan Urges Likud Ministers to Decline Minister of Defense Role under Netanyahu’s Leadership”

by time news

The reason for the dismissal of Minister of Defense Yoav Galant has caused controversy, with MK David Bitan criticizing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during an interview on Channel 12. Bitan believes Galant was fired unjustly due to his remarks and advised that Likud ministers should not pursue the Minister of Defense position as it may not be worth it. However, there are rumors that Galant may remain in the Ministry of Defense if he apologizes for his behavior. Bitan also warned that if the situation doesn’t improve, it could lead to elections, which wouldn’t benefit the coalition. The member of Knesset also emphasized the importance of support from the US and believed it was necessary for Israel’s success.

In the background is the saga surrounding the dismissal of the Minister of Defense Yoav Galant From his position, MK David Bitan attacked the Prime Minister this evening (Friday). Benjamin Netanyahu On the program “Friday at Five” on Channel 12, he said that “Galant was fired only because of the things he said, I think it was not true and I suggest that every minister in the Likud not take the position of Minister of Defense. There is friendship and brotherhood within the Likud and this will not give anything, even if They see it as political promotion. Let them show a backbone and stop running after positions.”

More this weekend? It appears: Gallant will apologize and remain in the Ministry of Defense
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“The Minister of Defense cannot take back what he said – it is his job to warn if there is a security problem as a result of the reform or the demonstrations or the economy. He must say these things, and for that there is no reason for dismissal. If he were to speak against the reform, as a minister he has a collective responsibility And that’s another story. It was a wrong move. It affected the protests and the trend against him in the US,” he said.

However, he noted that the timing of his speech was problematic: “Netanyahu is angry with him for saying this while he was abroad. In this matter, Galant can apologize and say that it was not done at the right time, more than that – it has no meaning.” In addition, Bitan said that in his opinion Netanyahu himself does not think that Galant’s firing was the right step: “He did not send him a letter of exemptions, there are currently negotiations to bring him back. He must reinstate him.”

Yoav Galant: “The call for refusal is dangerous and may harm the IDF’s ability.” (Photo: Nicole Leskavi, spokeswoman for the Minister of Defense)

In addition, Bitan warned that if the situation continues in this way, Netanyahu will be in trouble and did not rule out the possibility of elections: “He has no alternatives. He has the option of elections and for the government to fall or to stabilize the existing government. Because there is no alternative, Netanyahu looks weak, but that is not accurate. The coalition needs to unite around him, otherwise the government will fall and there will be elections – and this is not in the coalition’s favor. I don’t see a situation where there will be elections in the near future, but if Ben Gabir and Smotrich and the rest of the people within the Likud don’t come to their senses – we will have a problem.”

The member of Knesset also referred to the issue with the United States and claimed that the State of Israel cannot manage without it: “There were problematic situations with the USA like during the Obama era, Netanyahu knew how to manage partly because he had support from the coalition. What is happening today is that he does not have full support from the Likud coalition and Knesset members. Their support is very important and helps Israel.”

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