Bizarre: boarded a plane to Denmark and landed in France

by time news
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A couple who boarded a plane from Manchester, intending to reach Copenhagen, discovered to his surprise that their plane landed about 1,200 kilometers away – in Paris, France, according to the publication in the Manchester Evening News magazine.

The couple, Simon Forster and Emma Shofield, boarded a low-cost Rainier flight, they said that following the busy holiday season, Manchester Airport was full and they had to queue.

“We were delayed for a long time at check-in and until we finished we had to run for the flight so as not to miss it,” they said. As the couple suddenly landed in Paris, Simon, who had been to the French capital several times, said that he very quickly recognized that there had been a mistake.

Following the mistake, the couple had to pay $ 1,200 for the unplanned stay and another flight, they expect an apology and compensation from the airline, which in turn claims that the couple had to make sure they were on the right flight and that it was their fault.

Later, and after he applied again, the company agreed to compensate him, but so far the compensation has not arrived. The airline did not respond to a request for comment.

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