Bjurholm and Dorotea: The Battle for Sweden’s Smallest Municipality

by time news

Title: Bjurholm Reclaims Title as Sweden’s Smallest Municipality

In a captivating battle for the title of Sweden’s smallest municipality, Bjurholm and Dorotea have been fiercely competing. However, after a brief reign as the country’s smallest municipality, Dorotea has once again been overtaken by Bjurholm, according to statistics from Statistics Sweden.

Bjurholm, with its 2,378 residents, surpassed Dorotea by a single inhabitant at the end of May this year. Bjurholm experienced a slight population growth of six, while Dorotea’s population decreased by 36. Nevertheless, the latest statistics from Statistics Sweden, encompassing data up until the end of June, reveal that Dorotea has regained the lead with 15 more residents than Bjurholm.

Lovisa Sköld, a population statistician at Statistics Sweden, stated in a press release, “Dorotea was Sweden’s smallest municipality for a month. Now it’s Bjurholm again. On June 30, the number of residents in Dorotea was 15 more than in Bjurholm.”

Currently, Bjurholm has a population of 2,363 inhabitants, while Dorotea has 2,378 residents. The shift in numbers underscores the close competition between these two municipalities for the title of Sweden’s smallest.

Statistics Sweden also disclosed that during the first half of the year, population growth occurred in 128 out of Sweden’s 290 municipalities. However, 161 municipalities experienced a decrease in population, and only one municipality, Alvesta, remained unchanged.

Furthermore, the total population growth in Sweden during this period was at its lowest point in 17 years. This decline can be attributed to increased emigration, as confirmed by Statistics Sweden. Additionally, there has been a 5.5 percent decrease in the number of births compared to the same period the previous year.

Concluding Statement:
As Bjurholm snatches back the title of Sweden’s smallest municipality from Dorotea, the population dynamics across Sweden highlight the challenges faced by various regions. The competition between these municipalities for population growth and development continues to shape their unique identities and societal landscapes.

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