Black Friday: ADEME’s “resellers” provoked the ire of traders

by time news

2023-11-24 21:25:00

“Because resellers don’t exist, let’s ask ourselves the right questions before buying.” This concludes the (un)advertising spots in the “resellers” series, published Thursday by ADEME. They attacked overconsumption head-on, just before the sacrosanct Black Friday, and this did not matter to the Commerce Alliance.

The environment and energy management agency struck a major blow with this campaign. “The reseller and the smartphone“, “The retailer and the washing machine“, “The dealer and the polo shirt“…Thirty seconds each time is enough to make a mockery of the salesman’s profession to highlight the usual practices of overconsumption – and overselling.

Those who weren’t laughed at, unsurprisingly, were the traders. Broadcasting this the day before Black Friday, a month before the end of year holidays, is a stab in the back. “We are asking Ademe for its immediate withdrawal, failing which we will consider legal action for commercial denigration,” protested the Commerce Alliance, the Union of Textile Industries (UIT) and the French Union of Fashion Industries and clothing (Ufimh). “You cannot know the number of calls I have from brands who feel insulted in an essential moment after the crises we are experiencing,” also underlined the general director of the Commerce Alliance, Yohann Petiot , at AFP.

Internet users, for their part, seem to be jubilant. On YouTube, under the ADEME spots, it is almost only messages of support that litter the comments area. On LinkedIn, posts who criticize the reaction of the Commerce Alliance and welcome the ADEME campaign are legion.

The government, finally, is a little more divided. Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, speaks of an “awkwardness” and recalls his support for traders: “I deeply believe in sobriety, but not by targeting sellers or physical businesses, and not by making people feel guilty” , he said. The Minister of Ecological Transition Christophe Béchu, for his part, “takes responsibility” for the campaign and tries to play down the drama: “Let 0.2% of advertising airtime be devoted to wondering if all purchases are useful, frankly, given the issues of ecological transition, that doesn’t seem unreasonable.” That being said, he too would have preferred to target “rather online sales platforms” than physical businesses, “with the same message”. In finethe video series should not be deleted.

#Black #Friday #ADEMEs #resellers #provoked #ire #traders

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