Black Friday for Pinocchio | Evening Brest

by time news

2023-09-03 13:00:00

Such actions, let’s say, have a double meaning. The main thing is the triumph of the law. In addition to the standard administration of justice, preventive measures follow. In the narrow law-enforcement sense of the word, prevention is designed precisely by means of persuasion to push a potential offender to a sound, albeit simple, thought: come on, this crime! The method does not work well in two cases: when the offender has already formed a personality or when the offender still has wind in his head. For some, he walks all his life.

In our case, the subject of consideration in the court session is a few months of the life of a young man, a minor, from spring to the zenith of summer. Holidays for all students. It is rare that an adult does not sigh with longing, remembering almost a hundred days of absolute happy irresponsibility, not counting some household chores. But back to Zhenya.

At the beginning of this year, Yevhen, actually a high school student, acted as a defendant under some of the non-terrible parts of Article 328 of the Criminal Code. In this article, as known not only to drug addicts, various illegal operations with narcotic and psychotropic substances are considered. The verdict of the Moscow District Court was then surprisingly lenient – two years of restriction of freedom without being sent to an open correctional facility. In this case, probably, there was also the humanity of the judge, and the fact that minors are not kept in “chemistry”.

Frightened by the investigation and the trial, Zhenya shuddered under the bed for a short time. The semi-childish psyche copes with traumas simply and radically – by forgetting. By February, Yevgeny forgot how scared he was in the temporary detention center, he convinced himself that with his happiness it would always be like this. Incidentally, this is a mass delusion of young people: for some reason, the one-time kindness of a judge seems to them an eternal indulgence from responsibility.

So, restriction of freedom. What is this? The convict lives at home, goes to work or study, and may even love someone if he knows how. But there are rules that restrict freedom, because this is a punishment, not a gift from a judge to a clever criminal. The requirements for restricting freedom are quite extensive, but in principle they are simple. Law-abiding lifestyle, daily routine (from what time to what time during the day should be at home), be registered with the penitentiary inspection.

Tall, but thin and still a minor, Zhenya violated the regime of restriction of freedom downright selflessly. Perhaps not out of spite at the police – they didn’t put him in prison. Maybe just from a misunderstanding of simple things, this is typical of people with a draft in their heads. Speaking roughly and bluntly, Eugene, being under punishment for a criminal offense, behaved approximately like a second-grader who had escaped from arithmetic to the buffet. That is, either the person did not understand the measure of responsibility, or did not feel this responsibility at all. From the point of view of Emelya, they didn’t put him in jail, well, cheers!

By July of this year, more than a dozen violations, remarks, reprimands and official warnings had accumulated in the “track record” of the convict. It seems that Zhenya felt like Pinocchio, and considered the law enforcement system to be Malvina, a girl with blue hair. However, Malvina, as we remember, with the help of the brutal Artemon, still put the log-like boy in a jail. Apparently, Evgeny did not read the fairy tale of Alexei Tolstoy, and he hardly watched the film by Leonid Nechaev.

In the meeting room of the District Department of Internal Affairs, which became a courtroom for a couple of hours, for preventive purposes they gathered about twenty young people of about school age, who somewhere once came to the attention of police officers precisely in terms of drug trafficking and psychotropics. Considering how accountable teenagers behaved in an impromptu courtroom, this is not new to them.

Yes, it’s good if someone from those gathered in the hall is pushed to something good by what is happening in it. There is no other guarantee than hope. As for Eugene, he, of course, finished his game. All his violations of the regime are rather “mild”: he was not at home at the appointed time, he did not appear at the relevant inspection. But, to put it simply, he was insolent. And he went to court taking into account the toughening of punishments in 2014.

The petition of the penitentiary inspectorate to toughen the punishment for convicted Yevgeny was supported in the court session by a representative of the city prosecutor’s office. As a result, according to the decision of the court of the Moscow district of Brest, the convict will serve the rest of the term of restriction of freedom appointed by the previous court in conditions of real imprisonment in a special institution for juvenile offenders.

They will not say this in the corridors of the security forces, but “knowledgeable” people say: a youngster is much worse than an adult (colonies for adults). Teenagers don’t know pity…


#Black #Friday #Pinocchio #Evening #Brest

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