“Blackmail is not the right way” – time.news

by time news

He’s angry with the unions. But it does not skimp on the government too, both on the Infrastructure Decree, both on the Competition and on the Maneuver (from employment centers to the fiscal value of companies’ assets). Certainly, however, the frontal attack of Carlo Bonomi from the Forum of the Small Industry of Alba, is the ghost of the general strike and whoever evoked it: the leader of the CGIL Maurizio Landini and his words of the interview given to The print: «Strike if the workers are not listened to. Draghi postpones and does not solve the problems “. «The Italians ask for everything except to go to the streets. This is not the right way “ was the answer given from the stage in Alba by the president of Confindustria. Who also tried to explain where, according to him, the idea of ​​the general strike comes from: «It is still believed that the blackmail of the strike is a means of obtaining what one asks for, a means that leads to refusing any confrontation with the rest of the world of work, and then we complain. In this Italy the solutions are found together, not by striking “. On issues such as the labor market, young people, women, «we need to put people at the center not to evoke the specter of a slave-master class struggle».

The division on tax cuts

So far the ideological distance. Then there is the more concrete one, on how the government must deal with the 8 billion tax cut, with unbalanced benefits in favor of companies or workers. Who will not be opposed as masters and servants but still remain on different fronts. They must be used, says Landini, “all to increase the net paycheck for employees and retirees, other than a cut in IRAP”. Bonomi replies: «Most likely» the leader of the CGIL «has not listened to what Confindustria has been saying for months. Rather than declaring it to us who want to put more money in the pockets of the Italians … It really seems to me that we want to seek controversy, and frankly we don’t care ». As for Irap, for industrialists “we must eliminate a hateful tax”, as underlined by the president of the Small Industry Carlo Robiglio.

The criticisms of the maneuver

As mentioned, Bonomi also has some for the government. And he doesn’t take it easy. Speaking of the maneuver he stresses that

“For all the measures that involve businesses and the world of work, businesses are not listened to. We should have the humility to listen, perhaps from someone who has never worked a day in his life “: the example is that of the “four billion allocated to employment centers”. “But which of you would ever turn to employment centers?” Says the industrial leader to the audience of entrepreneurs. Also underlines the knot of the stop at the patent box. And he raises a new case: «In the Budget Law there is also a modification of the discipline of the valuation of assets and realignment of the fiscal value of companies’ assets. It is something that cannot be accepted “, and he explains:” It cannot be accepted because the assumption for which this is substantially killed is because the Mef realizes the measure has taken on such an important value that they did not quantify the expenditure well. It means that it worked very well. But which country is the one to which a public error can be remedied with damage to private individuals?».

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