Blame the states on petrol and diesel prices? -First-minister retaliates against Modi || Blame the states on petrol and diesel prices? -First-minister retaliates against Modi

by time news

First Minister MK Stalin has accused Prime Minister Modi of covering up the whole pumpkin issue with petrol and diesel prices.

Record: April 29, 2022 05:56


The Congress member in the Tamil Nadu Assembly spoke as part of a series of comments made by the Prime Minister on the reduction of wealth, petrol and diesel prices.

In response, First Minister MK Stalin said: –

Whole pumpkin

Our Prime Minister held a meeting with state first-ministers who may have been affected by the corona, and government officials who may be in the state, through a visual display. At that meeting, he mentioned the price of petrol and diesel and said that some states could not find a way to reduce it.

He pointed out that some states were not cooperating with the federal government’s efforts to reduce petrol and diesel prices, and that these governments could not reduce petrol and diesel prices in the country simply because they did not reduce the taxes that state governments could impose on these goods. If I were to say one line about this, he would have taken this idea as if covering the whole pumpkin in words.

Burden on people

Since coming to power in 2014, when crude oil prices have plummeted, the federal government has fully absorbed the surplus revenue from the fall in oil and diesel prices without reducing them accordingly.

The federal government reduced the excise duty on petrol and diesel, which could be shared with the state governments, by reducing it and handing over the revenue to the state governments.

Since the federal head tax and the head tax levied on petrol and diesel do not have to be shared with the state governments, the central government has raised these taxes too drastically, imposing a burden on the people and thus embezzling millions of crores of revenue available.

I leave people to the end

The federal government has pretended to drastically reduce taxes on petrol and diesel ahead of this election, as if for the sole reason that assembly elections are to be held in some states. After the state government elections, the federal government will raise the price more than ever from next week, imposing an additional burden on the people.

However, after the election victory, the Tamil Nadu government reduced the state tax on petrol even before the central government reduced it, in the interest of the people, as stated in the election promise, regardless of financial situation.

The people of Tamil Nadu know all this very well. I leave it up to the people to decide who is really proactive in lowering petrol prices and who is blaming others for lowering petrol prices.

Thus he said.

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