Blames El Gil and Anabel Hernández for slowing down progress; rules out Army involvement

by times news cr

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) wrote a letter to the parents of the 43 normalistas of Ayotzinapa missing, where he reported on the status of the investigation of the case in his government.

In the letter signed by AMLO, the president states that There are no major advances in research because ofThe protected witness, Gildardo López Astudillo, ‘The Gil’, and the journalist Anabel Hernandez.

Likewise, the President of Mexico affirms that, contrary to what has been stated by external researchers and the GIEI, the Mexican Army did not participate in the disappearance of the students from the Raúl Isidro Burgos Rural Normal School.

The letter dated September 26, the day that commemorates 10 years since the state crime, consists of 7 pages where they also present part of the book written by Anabel Hernández, “The True Night of Iguala.”

AMLO says that El Gil refuses to continue cooperating to clarify the Ayotzinapa case

In AMLO’s letter, the president states that during his government nThey never stopped investigating what happened to the 43 students from Ayotzinapa, disappeared on 26 and 27 September 2014.

In this regard, AMLO said that he became a protected witness Gildardo Lopez Astudillo, one of those arrested for the crime, who agreed to collaborate to clarify the facts and find out the whereabouts of the students.

With the cooperation of “El Gil” Two of the Ayotzinapa teacher training students were identifiedHowever, the investigation has not made any further progress in this regard.

This, AMLO assured, because The Gil has not shown any willingness to continue cooperating, despite the fact that he remains in contact with other members of Guerreros Unidos, the criminal cell accused of committing the crime, as well as with municipal police from Iguala and Cocula, and other authorities who know what happened.

AMLO also pointed out that prior to the start of his term, the investigations carried out by the PGR and the government of Enrique Peña Nieto had events that complicated the investigations and obtaining justice.

This is because 65 of the detainees were released for acts of torture and violations of their human rights, committed hand in hand and with the knowledge of the federal authorities, such as Thomas Zeron and Jesus Murillo Karam.

“(…) alleging that the detainees had been tortured, he made it possible to release 65 of them; although some of those released had in fact been victims of torture, others had not, and the majority had participated in the disappearance of the young people.”


AMLO blames Anabel Hernández for obstructing investigation into Ayotzinapa and accusing the Army without evidence

Anabel Hernandez (Moses Pablo Nava / Cuartoscuro)

Similarly, in his letter, AMLO accuses Anabel Hernández of obstructing the investigation on the crime against the normalistas and invent that the Mexican Army is guilty of the events.

The president assured in his text that the journalist He handled the version of the participation of the military of the 27th and 41st Army Battalions in the disappearance of students due to “political interests unrelated to the investigation.”

“(…) This conjecture was promoted, among others, by the pseudo-journalist Anabel Hernández, who even wrote a book called The True Night of Iguala, published in 2016, in which she dared to report, without any evidence, that the students had unintentionally hijacked a truck with heroin bound for the United States.”


AMLO presented a part of Anabel Hernández’s book where he points out this accusation, validated by reliable contacts whom he interviewed for 15 months; however, the president asserted that it is false due to lack of evidence.

Besides, accused Anabel Hernandez of receiving information, false or true, from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for its acronym in English) American, which he uses as he is “ordered”.

She added that the journalist helped Judge Ulises Bernabé obtain her request for asylum in the United States, after he declared that the students were never taken to the Iguala Police Headquarters, despite witnesses who claim that the police took the students from the facilities in vans and to an unknown destination.

Although AMLO points out the lack of evidence against the Mexican Armystated that action was taken against the military who could have acted in collusion with organized crime, but not in carrying out the disappearance of the students, and that until now there has been no action.There are 16 elements prosecuted and 3 more pending the execution of their arrest warrant.

AMLO trusts that Claudia Sheinbaum will continue the investigation into Ayotzinapa

Finally, the President of Mexico pointed out that until September 2024, days before concluding his term and after taking over the coordination of the investigation into the crime against the Ayotzinapa students, s151 people have been prosecutedbeing:

While the number of those incarcerated for the case increased from 59 to 120, and They established dialogues with the detainees so that in the future they cooperate to clarify the facts.

In this way, AMLO hoped that in the next government of Claudia Sheinbaum it will be possible to clarify “this shameful and regrettable affair.”

2024-09-25 16:37:26

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