“Blasphemy”: A woman was seriously injured during the ultra-Orthodox riots in Jerusalem

by time news

Police and MGB forces acted tonight (between Thursday and Friday) to maintain public order at the intersection of Bar Ilan – Tsefania streets in Jerusalem after hundreds of rioters rioted, threw stones and set fire to trash cans and blocked the traffic axis. As a result of the disturbance, a police car was damaged. and setting fire to a can, and they were transferred to the police station in the heart of the city for questioning.

Photo: Police Spokesperson

According to medical officials, during the violations, a woman was injured in the head and was referred for medical treatment at the hospital in a minor condition, and during the night her condition worsened to serious. According to the suspicion, the woman was injured by a large piece of metal that was thrown at her and hit her while she was walking. The police opened an investigation with the aim of tracking down those involved in the serious act and bringing them to justice.

These are violent and illegal disturbances between them and a legal protest – there is no connection

The Jerusalem District of the police noted that “recently, and especially in the last few nights, we have witnessed violent extremists breaking the law, harming policemen and citizens in the Jerusalem city center area and in Beit Shemesh, among other things against the background of the arrest of a suspect in setting fire to a cell phone store at the beginning of the week.” These are violent and illegal disturbances between them and a legal protest – there is no connection. This violence was directed at a bus, at police cars and police officers, and yesterday also at a passerby who was seriously injured.”

Photo: Police spokeswoman

They also added and said that “Vandalism, burning and trash cans, throwing stones and objects, harming citizens and policemen, and blocking roads – are not a legal protest, but a disturbance of order and a violent riot for the sake of which may result in injury to human life. We will continue to act and deal decisively with those lawbreakers and violent troublemakers who will harm the residents the area and the road users, citizens or policemen.’

Deri: “The blasphemy of God must be stopped as soon as possible and the judgment meted out with them”

The political request condemned the incident of violence in Jerusalem. Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the incident: “I strongly condemn the violent riot in which last night a passerby was injured by ultra-Orthodox extremists in Jerusalem. I call on the police to catch those responsible for this crime and bring them to justice. There is no place for violent riots on the streets of Israel.”

The chairman of Shas, Aryeh Deri, strongly condemned the violent violations of order in Jerusalem: “I was shocked to hear about the serious incident on Bar Ilan Street in Jerusalem, in which demonstrators from Rasan Shili caused a serious injury to a resident of the city. Violence and rioting is not a protest, but a blasphemy of God and I condemn them completely. These rioters who terrorize the residents of Jerusalem must be arrested as soon as possible and brought to justice.”


Deri Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

Chairman of Torah Judaism MK Rabbi Yitzhak Goldknopf: “I strongly condemn the rioting of a handful of protesters last night, which resulted in the serious injury of an innocent bystander. Every protest, however important it may be, must be done according to the rules of the law and while maintaining the rules of public order , freedom of expression does not justify violence under any circumstances. I expect the law enforcement authorities to capture the perpetrators and meet the full severity of the law with them. I pray for her safety and wish her a speedy recovery.”

Ben Gvir: “It’s time to put order in the country”

Chairman of Otzma Yehudit and designated Minister of National Security MK Itamar Ben Gabir in response to the violent extremists’ demonstration in Jerusalem last night: “Violence is not freedom of expression, it is anarchy. Anarchists and weeds must be dealt with with a heavy hand and determination. The rioters who almost murdered a woman and injured policemen , should be put in prison for many years.”

Ben Gvir

Ben Gabir Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

He also added that “the time has come to put order in the country. We must not make concessions to anyone who practices violence. Demonstrations, yes, freedom of speech, are important, but disorderly conduct, harming police officers and destroying infrastructure are not under any circumstances.”

Moshe Leon: “This is not about the ultra-Orthodox. It is about a group of law-breaking criminals who harm the public”

The mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Leon, condemned the violent violations of order in the city and emphasized that it was not the ultra-orthodox. The shocking injury of the woman on Bar Ilan Street is another escalation in the disgraceful violence of a handful of rioters endangering the city’s residents, causing millions of shekels worth of damage to public property time after time. I call on the Israel Police and the enforcement and judicial bodies to act firmly against the violent rioters and to use all the severity of the law against them. It is important for me to emphasize: this is not about the ultra-orthodox. This is a group of law-breaking criminals who harm the public.”

Lieberman: We must not put up with it and we will do everything to fight against it

The outgoing Minister of Finance and Chairman of Israel Beitenu, Avigdor Lieberman, criticized the ultra-Orthodox leadership. “Because silence is rabble – the one who wastes blood and soul.” Extremism is extremely outrageous.

He also added that “the silence of my members of the opposition on the subject, who until a moment ago aspired to form a government with Shas and Torah Judaism, is a most disappointing silence. The above-mentioned intolerable events not only lead to damage and damage to property, which in order to restore it to its former glory, huge budgets are required, But they also lead to injury to passers-by and force large police forces to deal with these incidents instead of fighting terrorism and crime. There is a strong and well-founded feeling on the ground that ultra-Orthodox rioters are allowed anything, we must not put up with it and we will do everything to fight against it.”

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