“Blatant violation of the coalition agreement”

by time news

Hundreds of left-wing demonstrators march towards Eviatar, with MKs Yair Golan, Gabi Lasky and Musi Raz from the Meretz and Ofer Kasif parties from the joint list.

The demonstration is organized by: Peace Now, Breaking the Silence, Fighters for Peace, Strengthening, Israeli Communities, Mothers Against Violence, The Harvest Coalition, Looking the Occupation in the Eye, Checkpoint Watch.

Peace Now stated: “Eviatar is an unnecessary crime. We will not stop until the government stops the kidnapper and dismantles the outpost! It is unfortunate that the security forces are sabotaging the right to protest. Gantz seems weak against violent settlers and strong against law-abiding protesters. “

The organizers stated: “The illegal outpost Eviatar was established by lawbreakers to establish facts on the ground, sabotage the chance for peace and drown an entire country in the bloodshed. His training will be a letter of surrender of the rule of law to a handful of criminals with a black flag hoisted over them. It is time for the Minister of Defense to work for the Israeli interest, an end to the occupation and peace with the Palestinians, and not for a small and extreme minority. In the days when the government fails to stop the rampant settler violence, it is impossible to give a reward to criminals and serial rioters! The kidnapper must be stopped. Eviatar is being evacuated now! ”

The organizations also note that: “In a government formed on the basis of agreements for a political status quo, a new and isolated settlement that endangers Israel is a blatant violation of the coalition agreement. We will reach Eviatar to remind all members of the government who support the two-state solution that they must keep their word and stop the madness! ”

Hundreds of left-wing protesters march on Eviatar:
Photo: Peace Now

Photo: Peace Now

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