“Barrier” is planned to be introduced within October to all businesses or individuals who collect money from the State, while they have unpaid debts to tax authorities and insurance funds with the adoption of the single Certificate of Financial Awareness.

The new electronic document that will replace today’s tax receipts and insurance awareness will be issued in a few clicks through a new online platform. It will include both tax and insurance information, will be valid for every intended use and will be mandatorily accepted by private and public sector entities, where required by law.

Citizens will submit their application on the new digital platform. After submitting the application, the submitted data will be automatically checked and then, if all the criteria and conditions are met, the financial awareness certificate will be issued, under the same conditions that govern the issuance of the tax and insurance awareness. The issuance of the financial information will “stumble” in the case of unregulated or overdue debts either to the tax office or to the insurance funds, if the relevant conditions are not met for one of the two parties.

Except for the companies that have transactions with the public, if a citizen owes even a small amount to one of the two entities, he will not be able to process his transactions – such as the transfer of a property – if he does not first settle any debts.

Single Certificate

The application of the Unified Certificate was expected to take place from the end of December 2023. However, the changes in the tax information issuance regime made the AADE and EFKA systems incompatible and the necessary adjustments had to be made.

The issuance of the common certificate is provided for by law 4934/2022, according to which, the possibility of issuing, for each natural or legal person or legal entity, a single Certificate of Financial Awareness, through a special platform accessible through the Unified Digital Portal of the Public Administration .

More specifically, any natural or legal person or legal entity may request, through a special platform accessible through the Single Digital Portal of the Public Administration, the issuance of a single certificate of financial awareness.

The certificate includes the details of the proof of current tax awareness, as described in the Tax Procedure Code, and the proof of insurance awareness.

Mandatory accepted

The single Certificate of Financial Awareness, which will be issued with the new procedure, is considered valid for any lawful use and is compulsorily accepted by all public and private sector bodies, as well as by natural or legal persons or legal entities, the courts of all levels and the prosecutor’s offices of the entire country, when it is mandatory by law to present the above evidence of awareness.

For the issuance of the Financial Awareness Certificate, the platform derives through interoperability the necessary data from the tax register information system of the Independent Public Revenue Authority and the EFKA information system.

The required interoperability is ensured through the Interoperability Center of the General Secretariat of Public Administration Information Systems of the Ministry of Digital Governance.

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