Blood cancer, Ail and the third sector together to rethink future healthcare –

by time news
from Health editorial staff

Appointment organized by the Italian Association against leukemia, lymphomas and myeloma (Ail) focused on “taking care”, for human-scale healthcare close to the needs of the sick and integrated in the territory

On Friday 1 and Saturday 2 October the Italian Association against leukemia, lymphomas and myeloma (Ail) is organizing the national conference «To cure is to take care. Ail’s mission for human-sized health care ”, with the patronage of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, the Lazio Region, the Municipality of Rome and CONI. “A conference dedicated to” taking care “, Ail’s mission for over 50 years, which in the two days of work builds a bridge to build an increasingly intense dialogue between patients, third sector associations, hematology centers, institutions, world of science and culture, with the aim of contributing to breaking down inequalities and designing community medicine on a human scale – underlines Sergio Amadori, national president of the association -. What we have chosen is a non-accidental title: it evokes the life and thought of the great hematologist whom we all remember with great gratitude, Professor Franco Mandelli, for a long time guide and president of the association ».

Blood cancers: 32 thousand new cases in Italy every year

The congress is intended to be an opportunity to reflect on the growing role of the third sector within society, on how non-profit associations can contribute to rethinking the healthcare of tomorrow in our country and on the recognition of health volunteering that, especially in this difficult pandemic situation, has offered that proximity treatment that is changing the narrative of Italian healthcare, and to present the great scientific and therapeutic innovations in the haematological field. Every year about 32 thousand Italians fall ill with a blood cancer, which in two thirds of cases affects people over 65, and the number of diagnoses is destined to increase together with the general aging of the population. Fortunately, however, life expectancy today is greater e over 40% of patients can aspire to recovery. Additionally, rapid medical advances have made many of what were once considered deadly diseases chronic. “Ail starts again, after the pandemic, with courageous determination and renewed confidence, aware of the profound social changes taking place and the challenges that await it – adds Amadori -. Over 50 years of activity at the forefront, a constantly evolving march with its 82 provincial sections and its 15 thousand volunteers always alongside hematological patients and their families and in support of scientific research ».

The conference (in person and in streaming)

The event is scheduled in person (it can only be accessed after showing the green pass), but it can also be followed in live streaming: all information can be found on the website The opening of the works will be entrusted to the interventions of Sergio Amadori, Sante Tura, emeritus professor of Hematology and president of Ail Bologna, and of Carlo Molfetta, vice president of the CONI Athletes Commission. The Minister of Health was invited to the meeting Roberto Speranza and the Minister of Labor and Social Policies Andrea Orlando. Absolute protagonists of the two days of meeting will be third sector associations whose experience in the field is fundamental for reflecting and contributing to outline the strategies for a healthcare of tomorrow, closer to the needs of patients and integrated on the territory: the focus of the debate at the round table to be held during the first day of work is the role of the health voluntary service and the new indications of law on the third sector. A relevant topic will also be brought to the attention of the participants, as well as for the sick and family members, also for doctors, economists and sociologists: financial toxicity related to the quality of life of cancer patients. We will discuss the role of environmental prevention, promoting incentives for research funds in terms of territorial protection and collective well-being. The second day will open with a round table dedicated entirely to scientific research and at the borders that await therapeutic innovations. Finally, the multiple services offered by Ail, encouraged during the Covid-19 pandemic thanks to the commitment of thousands of volunteers: from welcoming in accommodation homes and blood centers to home care, which have a positive impact on the daily lives of patients and their families by alleviating loneliness, mitigating economic difficulties and alleviating suffering.

September 30, 2021 (change September 30, 2021 | 15:20)

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