Bloomberg: Businessman Dan Gertler is close to returning $ 2 billion to the Congo

by time news

The government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has announced that it is close to signing an agreement with the ‘flirt’ group of businessman Dan Gertler, under which the ultra-Orthodox billionaire from Bnei Brak will return billions of dollars to the country. This was reported tonight (Saturday) in bloomberg.

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According to a report quoted in The Marker, a Congolese government committee is close to signing a memorandum of understanding with Flirt, which will return $ 2 billion worth of mines and oil wells, as well as “a substantial portion of Kamoto Cooper Company royalties” State by the Minister of Post and Communications Augustin Kibasa.

Kamoto Cooper is run by Glencore, a mineral and commodity trading company, which declined to comment.

Gertler-owned companies, which are subject to US sanctions on suspicion of corruption in the Congo, own licenses for oil mining and drilling in the Central African country, as well as receive royalties on some of the major copper and cobalt projects run by Glencore and the Resource Group.

Gertler’s spokesman did not respond to Bloomberg’s request in an email.

Gertler denies the allegations of corruption. It should be emphasized that no charges have ever been filed against him.

In December 2017, the United States imposed sanctions on Gertler, a resident of Bnei Brak. The U.S. Treasury Department has expanded sanctions against Gertler’s companies and partners in two more moves, the most recent of which was in December 2021.

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