Blue and White Robotics: Aerobotics is acquired by Ondas

by time news

Ondes is engaged in the development and supply of private wireless networks as well as providing automatic data solutions using drones, and recently raised about 34.5 million dollars. Combining the capabilities of the companies will create a company with extensive intellectual property in the field of operating drones for essential tasks, in many markets and for diverse customers. When the sales and marketing efforts of the companies’ autonomous drone operating platforms will turn to the global market. Also, both companies have regulatory expertise and permission to perform operative missions using drones. The combination between the companies is expected to lead to synergy and reduction of costs and efficiency in the areas of engineering and development, as well as better capabilities in the areas of sales and marketing as well as costs related to the management of a public company.

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Recently, Aerobotics announced that it received an order from a government body in the United Arab Emirates for the supply of 2 systems and services in exchange for a total of approximately 2 million dollars. As communicated to the company by the government body, the transaction is another step within its plan to install the Optimus systems developed by Aerobotics extensively. Aerobotics works in the United Arab Emirates and other countries, to establish a permanent infrastructure that includes a large number of automatic drones that do not require operation in the field, that work together and in a network for the purpose of collecting information. The infrastructure is designed for urban spaces and strategic facilities where an immediate response capability is required for supervision and control needs.

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