BMW wants to install a new battery cell format in electric cars

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New battery for more energy: BMW wants to install “46XX” cells in electric cars

BMW wants to install new battery cells in its new electric cars

© Yang Qing/XinHua

BMW plans to use a new battery cell format in the future. According to a media report, the German carmaker wants to use round cells in its electric cars, just like Tesla is doing. This should have a higher energy density and at the same time a lower cobalt content.

Rumors have been circulating for some time about BMW’s plans to establish a new battery cell format for its electric vehicles. BMW spokesman Bernhard Ederer had that stern At the beginning of June, when asked: “We are evaluating different options for the cell format and cell chemistry of our next – then sixth – generation of battery cells. It is too early to communicate specific technologies.”

Now new details about the plans have become known. Accordingly, the first model of the “New Class” should have an 800-volt drive architecture for the first time. In addition, BMW wants to use round cells for the battery, as a BMW manager told the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. This means that the future battery will be comparable to the battery installed in Tesla cars. Internally at BMW, the talk is of “Battery Generation 6”.

The new battery is said to have an increased nickel content of around 90 percent and a minimized cobalt content. The Munich-based company is thus reacting to the sharp rise in raw material costs and criticism of the mining of cobalt, for example.

BMW wants to use round cells with a width of 4.6 centimeters, which, in contrast to the pouch cells that have been used up to now, do not require any additional fire protection. Tesla also uses 4680 cells with a height of eight centimeters. Including the cooling elements and the battery frame, the battery measures a good ten centimeters in height. It also fits into the underbody of flat sedans. “A standing cell, like the one Tesla uses, is advantageous in terms of structural strength,” said the BMW manager, who was not named, to the daily newspaper. The round cells can be tightly packed and clamped directly into the battery frame, which saves space, increases energy density and minimizes bulging due to cell aging.

The height of the cells can vary depending on the vehicle type, but could run through the same production facilities at different suppliers. BMW expects lower costs and therefore speaks of a “46XX format”. According to the expert, solid-state batteries, which are said to have great potential in terms of energy density, safety, service life, costs and fast charging, will not be used for the time being.

BMW sedan to start the “New Class”.

BMW wants to establish more electric cars in the next few years. The German carmaker has announced the “New Class” for this. A fully electric sedan in the format of the 3-series BMW will start in 2025. The new model should herald the next generation, which according to the plans will be produced in the new plant in Debrecen, Hungary.

Source: Süddeutsche Zeitung


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