Bnei Gantz: “I intend to reach the goal – Prime Minister”

by time news

Bnei Gantz tonight (Photo: Benzi Rubin / Knitted)

Bnei Gantz and members of the Blue and White Party held a festive event this evening (Monday), at the Rokach Hall, in the Tel Aviv Exhibition Center, marking the third anniversary of Bnei Gantz’s party, from the days of resilience to Israel to the establishment of Blue and White.

The event is attended by Knesset members and ministers of Blue and White, as well as Knesset members and former elected officials, including former Minister Gabi Ashkenazi and former Minister Amar Yankelevich, which is the first event to appear in public. In addition, there are chiefs of staff and key activists of the party.

Ganz announces that his mission is “Prime Minister” (Photo: Benzi Rubin / Knitwear)

Defense Minister and party chairman Bnei Gantz said at the event: “Only a central party, and a broad coalition, can eventually lead to the healing of the rifts, to the regulation of religious and state relations, to strengthening trust in state institutions, to maintaining security and bringing peace. About us and within us. “

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“This is the big mission, and I intend to reach that goal for which I entered politics, and yes, it goes through as prime minister, and state leadership in the end,” Gantz declared.

Ganz also referred to the relative share of blue and white and said: “I intend to do everything I can so that in the future, I will have the power to move the education portfolio to blue and white.”

Blue and white friends on stage (Photo: Benzi Rubin / Knitted)

In his opening remarks, Ganz said: “I came here tonight because apart from my family, there is nothing more precious to me in the world than the State of Israel. I love Israel, I am proud of it and committed to it. For me, Israel is really first and foremost,” Ganz said.

Former Minister Amar Yankelevich at Blue and White Celebrations (Photo: Benzi Rubin / Knitted)

“In these two sentences I opened my first speech as a politician three years ago, 100 meters behind us in Pavilion 10, and they are my truth tonight as well. Israel above all – was and will be my leading principle, ours. The point of reference is the State of Israel and its citizens, the spirit is the Declaration of Independence” .

We prevented Netanyahu from forming a “disaster government” three times

Gantz described the course of events in the political field and said: “At the end of 2018, when I made the final decision to enter politics, before the election – the polls were clear – Netanyahu prime minister. A few months later – the result was a historic political explosion. Creating a new camp. “To this day, there is an anti-Bibi camp – I see and have seen the state camp and the center there.”

Gabi Ashkenazi at the event (Photo: Benzi Rubin / Knitted)

“We, I, you, everyone here have created a new force in politics and society – in the power of faith, and in the power of action! In the first stage, we prevented Netanyahu from forming a ‘disaster government’ three times,” Ganz said.

Gantz commented on the situation today and said: “At the stage we are in – we are a key part of leading the country, stabilizing and shaping the system. And we will be there as long as this path continues, strengthen it and act against anyone who tries to dismantle the government.” Social and political.

Blue and White entered this government by choice, wants and works for its success, and will remain in it as long as it serves the citizens of Israel faithfully and as long as it maintains a balanced, responsible and responsible state line. I will do my best to make it so. “

Blue and white activists tonight (Photo: Benzi Rubin Knitted)

Three years ago we went on a journey – there was no Corona, there was no real center, not even a tic tac… there was only Dana without the tic tac. Upon entering politics, I defined the priorities in Israeli society in light of which we operate even today

The center is significant

“At first we said there is no more right and left – the truth is that there is a right, and there is a left, and there is a much larger and significant center of citizens in Israel who have a very broad common denominator. Agree on 80% of issues.

The audience in the “Pharmacist of the Evening” hall (Photo: Benzi Rubin / Knitted)

Most of the citizens of Israel – support a secure state, with a strong army, and the pursuit of peace. The majority – want the rule of law, public order, strong police and prosecutors and balanced state institutions that have confidence. The majority – want a prosperous economy, and social sensitivity. The majority – want to reach out to those whose hand is out of reach, and allow the outstanding to flourish and flourish society and the economy.

The majority – want to look at Israel with a vision of 50 years ahead, and see it with appropriate infrastructure, with fair housing, as a home for the Jewish people, which allows for coexistence with members of all communities. And we are the home of this majority. The majority that is neither against the right nor against the left – is both. And I personally feel a bit like Meir Banai’s song: I have this and that. I have both.

Blue and white team (Photo: Benzi Rubin / Knitted)

The center – this midline that our society so desperately needs – is you, it is us! And the more people gather in the center and the smaller the margins, the stronger, more united, more stable we become. “

Pride for the honor of Rabbi Kanievsky

We see the war in Ukraine, from which we must learn two things – to be strong and to know how to defend ourselves on our own, alongside strengthening alliances with our friendship. And – that wars are not a theory or a history lesson – they happen, on different fronts, and at different intensities. And we have no plan in me – we must be ready and strong in front of all our enemies – in the south and in the north – on our border, and thousands of miles from it. It is the foundation of our existence, it is the foundation on which our resilience is built. And on this basis it is possible to bring peace, and it is possible to strengthen relations with allies.

Funeral of Rabbi Kanevsky (Photo: Chaim Goldberg)

No less important is the Israeli resilience. Yesterday I felt proud, when I saw how all parts of Israeli society respect the memory of Rabbi Kanievsky. Hundreds of thousands of mourning believers who came to accompany him.

Thousands of police officers as well as soldiers and firefighters and medical personnel – who got involved and performed professional and quiet work. And a large public, who respected the event, refrained from going to work or school – even if they did not feel any identification or connection to it and its way. Our goal, is exactly that – not to be a melting pot of people. Israel is a tribal society – that’s a fact. But we must live side by side, be the company of all its tribes. This is the supreme national mission.

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