Bnei Gantz surprised: “The ultra-Orthodox are missing in the government”

by time news
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The storm following the resignation of coalition chairman and MK Idit Silman from the coalition continues to make waves, tonight (Monday), Defense Minister Bnei Gantz participated in raising a glass with his party activists and provided surprising statements.

According to Dafna Liel’s report, during the incident, Defense Minister Bnei Gantz shared with his party activists and said that “I miss the ultra-Orthodox in this government.”

He added: “One week without chametz in hospitals, nothing will happen. We in the army will work to find the right balance between the High Court and the preservation of tradition.” Patients.

Gantz later explained why he no longer sat with Bibi in the government: “There is a camp just not Bibi and a Bibist camp, I am in none of them but Bibi dragged us to the polls so we can not go with him anymore.”

As you may recall, last weekend MK and Coalition Speaker Idit Silman announced that she would resign from the government, in a retirement statement given to Prime Minister Bennett wrote that “Unfortunately, I will not be able to get a hand in harming the Jewish identity of the State of Israel and the people of Israel.”

As mentioned, Silman justified her resignation from the coalition following Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz’s directive to hospitals that the introduction of chametz should be allowed, “The Jewish identity of the State of Israel is our right to exist here, it is our heart, it is our essence. “I represent, it is a red line for me,” she wrote.

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