BOAD invests 107.64 billion FCFA in resilience

by time news

2023-08-17 01:25:36

In accordance with its strategic plan “Djoliba” 2021-2025, the West African Development Bank invested in 2022, 107.64 billion FCFA or 20% of the total investments in 2022. The same is true in the creation of the employment where the Development Bank injected 372.7 billion F in 2022.

The West African Development Bank (BOAD) has funded several projects to build resilience to climate change. The amount is CFAF 107.64 billion, or 20% of financing in 2022. In the Bank’s 2022 report, it points out that it devoted 19.7% of its assistance to financing axis 3 of the Djoliba Plan . “In 2022, the Bank devoted 19.7% of its financing to the financing of axis 3 of the Djoliba Plan dedicated to strengthening resilience to climate change. About 23% of the funding for this axis has been allocated to solar energy projects,” she said. In 2022, the total commitments authorized by the bank are estimated at 547.5 billion FCFA. As of December 3, 2022, the total net commitments granted by BOAD reached CFAF 7,227.3 billion. Among other projects financed by the Bank on this axis, the hydro-agricultural development project with intelligent agricultural practices that are resilient to climate change in Niger to the tune of CFAF 7 billion; the project to build a photovoltaic solar power plant with a capacity of 42 MWp at Awandjélo in Kara in Togo to contribute to the diversification of the energy mix and reduce the cost of energy production. 25 billion FCFA were disbursed by BOAD. In Senegal, it also financed a sanitation program for ten towns for 15 billion FCFA; the reinforcement of the rainwater sanitation network of the city of Ouagadougou through the development of the outlet at the Bangr Weogo Park in Burkina Faso (4.5 billion FCFA) and the water supply project laptop in rural areas in Niger in the regions of Dosso, Maradi, Tahoua and Tillabéri in Niger (11 billion FCFA).

Creation of value and jobs: 372.7 billion FCFA invested
The fight against poverty and youth unemployment was another priority for BOAD in 2022 as provided for in axis 2 of BOAD’s 2021-2025 strategic plan. Indeed, more than 370 billion FCFA have been invested by the Bank in structuring projects for the creation of value and productive jobs. 68.1% of funding went to this priority, ie in cash 372.7 billion FCFA. This fund has made it possible to finance a series of projects including the Modernization and Extension of SBEE Networks (ProMER) in Benin for 27 billion FCFA); the construction and equipment project for four (04) high schools of excellence and one (01) girls’ college with boarding school, in Côte d’Ivoire (30 billion FCFA). Also in Benin, specifically in the Sèmè-Podji industrial zone, BOAD supported the project to set up and operate a brewing complex and a can manufacturing line by the company COCA-COLA DONGA BOTTLING COMPANY SA. It is an industrialization project, one of the projects that concerns the Beninese government and for which 20 billion FCFA were disbursed by the bank. It is in the same vein, the strengthening of the industrial fabric, that BOAD financed the project for the establishment and operation of an integrated cotton processing unit by the Benin Textiles Company (STB) in the area. factory of Glo-Djigbé in Benin for 10 billion FCFA. In Senegal, the Bank has financed CFAF 20 billion for the 2022-2025 investment program of the Eiffage Company for the Future Highway Concession (SECAA SA). To promote quality housing, the construction project of 10,849 social and economic housing units in Ouèdo in the municipality of Abomey-Calavi, in Benin also received support of 10 billion FCFA. The project to build 1,529 classrooms to replace temporary shelters and ancillary works (second batch of the Temporary Shelter Replacement Program “PRORAP”) was also taken into account with an envelope of 25 billion FCFA for the benefit of Senegal. Finally, Burkina-Faso benefited from 7.5 billion FCFA for the project to build and equip the headquarters of the Virtual University of Burkina Faso, followed by the opening of four (04) digital spaces to increase connectivity and the promotion of digital, all of which will stimulate growth.

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QA August 17, 2023

#BOAD #invests #billion #FCFA #resilience

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