Bochi Licht, close with Olé: “Maradona could have been taken care of more”

by time news

2023-07-13 21:43:11

07/13/2023 16:43hs.

Lucas Licht is one of the figures of the Primera B. At 42 years old, he is one of the key pieces of Villa San Carlos, one of the cheerleaders of the championship. El Villlero is fourth in the general table and remains within the Reduced. Great year with a Bochi who is made a kid.

in dialogue with oléthe former Gymnastics, Racing and Getafe talked about everything. His stay in San Carlos, el Lobo, the day to day with Maradona and how he went to face Lionel Messi.

the present

How are you personally? A few years ago on the Ascent.

-The truth is that personally, after this year and a half in this category, I feel good both physically and in football. Always trained alongside the group and contributing to the club on the side that I have to be on.

-Coming from First Division, why did you choose Villa San Carlos?

-I had several places to go but I had to move my family. San Carlos was one of the first to contact me. It is the club of my city, where the field is a few blocks from my house and I ended up choosing that option for giving my city my experience.

Lucas Licht celebrating his Olympic goal against Comunicaciones in Villa San Carlos. (Photo: Villa San Carlos Press).

-Was it difficult to adapt to Primera B?

-The truth is that luckily I was able to adapt quickly to the category. Personally, I ended up being the team’s goalscorer and in the group, reaching the final for promotion.

-How much harder is the category compared to Primera?

Yes, it’s tougher, because you play more directly in the First Division. It has more play than B Metro, apart from that, we have been trying to play as partners for a year and a half and we are doing well in results.

Licht in Villa San Carlos. (Photo: Villa San Carlos Press).

His role as a scorer

-You mentioned that you came out as a scorer, how do you get along with the goal? You are to score a lot and you are not a striker.

The truth is that I have to get to the area a lot and I like the position in which I am playing. I try to give the team play and the goal is relative as long as it helps the result.

-Do you accept the term “man of the great goals”? I mean, you have a volleyball, Olympic…

-Ha ha ha, the truth is that I always had to score beautiful goals as you say I flew, Olympic, long distance, Chilean. They always tell me that I don’t have ugly goals.

-The Olympic, is practiced?. Or did you say, I try pulling and see what happens

-No, it was not practiced. I saw that there were no people in the posts and the goalkeeper prepared to cut the center and that’s when I made the decision to hit him.

Luke Light – 7/13/2023

Lucas Licht’s Olympic goal

Gymnastics, a love for life

-We are talking about the present, now I take you to the past, if I name you Gimnasia de La Plata, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

It’s my life Gymnastics. My children are in gymnastics school, they play soccer in gymnastics, we go to the field and I keep going to the locker room to greet the boys. They ask me to come say hi and that’s nice. That’s why gymnastics is part of my life.

-On a work level, would you like to return to Gimansia whatever the role?

-Yes, that’s the idea. Waiting for the opportunity to come. The idea is to work with the professional group, I hope that the opportunity can be given, in the meantime I will continue playing.

Licht’s madness after his great goals. (Photo: Gymnastics Press).

The stage with Diego in Gymnastics

-One in recent years, associates Gymnastics with Maradona. What was it like to live that experience? Sharing a day to day with Diego.

The truth is that it is one of the icing on the cake of my career. To be its captain and to have found a humanly excellent person. From that first day of his presentation, with him hugged in the middle of the field, Diego took an incredible affection for me and we lived unique moments.

Diego talking to Licht (official gymnastics).

-What is the anecdote with Diego that you keep most affectionately? A meal, something he did in some training, some talk.

-Many things we live in a short time. One day I made a barbecue at my house for the entire campus, and suddenly the doorbell rang and it was Diego. He arrived at 12:00 and left at 18:00. We stayed chatting and playing cards.

El Bochi with Diego Maradona in his gymnastics presentation. (Photo: Alejandro Pagni).

“He could have taken care of him more”

-What do you feel when you see what happened to him? Do you think it could have been taken care of more?

-I think so. It could have been taken care of more. We, on the side that touched us, leave us alone every photo you see of Diego in gym clothes, he looked happy.

-How do you say, every photo that Diego is seen is smiling. Do you feel that he needed Gymnastics, so he ended up giving him the club? And in turn, did gymnastics need Diego? because of the situation in which he arrived having the red zone so close.

Diego needed to return to the country to work. And Gymnastics gave him that opportunity, he found a fan similar to Napoli. He thought that they had forgotten about him in Argentina and in Gymnastics he realized that he was still the same as always.

“Diego thought they had forgotten about him.” (Photo: Marcos Brindicci).

From one 10 to another

-From Diego to Messi… How did you cancel it that day you faced him with Getafe in 2007?

-Ha ha ha, there is no secret. He must have had a bad afternoon and I had some of my best.

How was it facing him? Did you switch shirts with him?

-The result is beautiful. It was in our favor 2-0, and when it was over I was able to change the shirt with him. I have the orange 19 from Barcelona.

-Is the shirt in a square?

I have it in a museum at home.

Barcelona – Getafe and the shirt that Licht kept.

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#Bochi #Licht #close #Olé #Maradona #care

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