Body in Krefeld basement is missing murder victim

by time news

AFrom a “murder without a corpse” in Krefeld, a murder with a corpse has become: The walled-in woman’s body discovered in a cellar on Monday is actually a murder victim who has been missing for almost three years. The autopsy on Tuesday revealed this without a doubt, the police and public prosecutor’s office in Essen said. The Gelsenkirchen woman was probably suffocated.

The perpetrator, a man from Krefeld, had already been convicted of murdering the woman by the Essen Regional Court in December 2020. The Federal Court of Justice confirmed the verdict last September, making it final.

The find would not have given reason to reopen the case anyway: the findings of the forensic medicine corresponded to those of the Essen Regional Court in the reasoning for the judgment in December 2020, according to the investigators.

This gives the relatives certainty that it is the mortal remains of the thirty-five year olds. The nanny went missing in June 2019.

Photos later discovered on her ex-boyfriend’s computer showed her corpse on the floor of his Krefeld apartment. A plastic bag was placed and tied over her head. The public prosecutor’s office in Essen did not want to say whether the woman’s body was recovered from the cellar in this way.

Life imprisonment and preventive detention

According to the judges in Essen, the brawny man killed his ex-girlfriend because he couldn’t accept the fact that she had broken up with him. For this he had been sentenced to the maximum penalty: life imprisonment with a particularly serious degree of guilt and subsequent preventive detention.

It wasn’t the first woman he had killed: the German had been sentenced to eleven years in prison in 1999 for killing a woman with more than 100 stab wounds.

“Completely no empathy and no sense of guilt”

Released from prison, he had met the woman from Gelsenkirchen. After about six months she broke up with him, probably also because she had exposed some of the lies he had lived. The man did not want to put up with this insult.

“He has absolutely no empathy and no guilt whatsoever. For him it is normal that he is allowed to kill the women who want to separate from him,” said the presiding judge in Essen at the sentencing in December 2020. “The danger for any woman who gets involved with the accused of being killed sooner or later is obvious.”

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During the investigation, the investigators came across Internet research that suggested that the man had dealt with the topics of suffocation and the smell of corpses, among other things. The murder was planned “coolly”.

The Essen public prosecutor’s office did not want to say on Tuesday why the body was only discovered almost three years later in the murderer’s home despite extensive search measures. She did not want to confirm that it was a caretaker who gave the crucial clue. The authority did not give any reasons for this.

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