Bologna Secures First Victory Under Vincenzo Italiano with 2-1 Win Against Monza

by time news

In his sixth attempt, Vincenzo Italiano achieves his first victory as the coach of Bologna. The Rossoblù win 2-1 against Monza. In the first half, Urbanski scores his first Serie A goal with a perfect header from a Lykogiannis cross, but Djuric levels the game by taking advantage of a poor clearance from Ravaglia following a shot from Maldini. In the second half, after a couple of missed attempts, Castro pulls a rabbit out of the hat with a great right-foot shot from outside the box. Nesta still looking for his first success.

Vincenzo Italiano finds his first victory in official matches as Bologna’s coach. Until now, between the league and Champions League, he had achieved 4 draws and 1 loss. Nesta instead postpones his first Serie A victory appointment: 3 draws and 2 losses in 5 matches”,”postId”:”3ca411d9-fc01-4713-bf0c-8e671b9a804d”},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:54:57.554Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:54:57+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”it ends here!”,”borderColor”:”#00d209″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ fill-rule=’evenodd’ clip-rule=’evenodd’ d=’m24.571 15.22-5.25 1.968a.715.715 0 0 0-.464.67 5.72 5.72 0 0 1-5.714 5.713 5.721 5.721 0 0 1-5.714-5.714 5.721 5.721 0 0 1 5.714-5.714H24.57v3.076Zm.715-4.506H13.143C9.205 10.714 6 13.92 6 17.857 6 21.796 9.205 25 13.143 25c3.77 0 6.867-2.936 7.125-6.641l5.269-1.976a.715.715 0 0 0 .463-.669V11.43a.714.714 0 0 0-.714-.715ZM12.429 8.571V5.714a.714.714 0 1 1 1.428 0v2.857a.714.714 0 1 1-1.428 0Zm3.175.595a.714.714 0 0 1-.198-.99l1.428-2.144a.713.713 0 1 1 1.189.793l-1.429 2.143a.714.714 0 0 1-.99.198ZM8.263 6.825a.714.714 0 1 1 1.188-.793l1.429 2.143a.714.714 0 1 1-1.189.793L8.263 6.825Z’ fill=’%23051045’/%3e%3cpath fill-rule=’evenodd’ clip-rule=’evenodd’ d=’M15.286 17.857A2.145 2.145 0 0 1 13.143 20 2.145 2.145 0 0 1 11 17.857c0-1.182.961-2.143 2.143-2.143 1.181 0 2.143.961 2.143 2.143Zm-5.715 0a3.575 3.575 0 0 0 3.572 3.572 3.576 3.576 0 0 0 3.571-3.572 3.576 3.576 0 0 0-3.571-3.571 3.576 3.576 0 0 0-3.572 3.571Z’ fill=’%23051045’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

94′ – The injury time passes without worries: Bologna wins 2-1 in Monza with Castro’s goal in the second half


90′ – Free kick from the edge of the area for Bologna. Moro shoots the wall. Meanwhile, four minutes of added time are reported.

“,”postId”:”3398cfd2-05ad-4cad-a237-c58b888708a9″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:48:59.523Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:48:59+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”substitution”,”borderColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ d=’M13.36 5.239a.823.823 0 0 1 1.16 0c.29.289.316.742.078 1.06l-.079.092-4.541 4.516 4.541 4.517c.29.29.317.742.08 1.06l-.08.092a.823.823 0 0 1-1.067.08l-.092-.08-5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 1-.08-1.061l.08-.092 5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M19.64 15.424a.823.823 0 0 0-1.16 0 .812.812 0 0 0-.078 1.06l.079.092 4.541 4.517-4.541 4.516a.812.812 0 0 0-.08 1.061l.08.091c.29.29.746.316 1.067.08l.092-.08 5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 0 .08-1.061l-.08-.092-5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 10.093c.453 0 .82.364.82.814a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.809l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.815c0-.415.313-.758.717-.808l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 20.278c.453 0 .82.365.82.815a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.808l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.814c0-.416.313-.759.717-.809l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

88′ – D’Ambrosio for Pedro Pereira, thus Nesta finishes his substitutions.

“,”postId”:”6c9585b8-d596-4d46-a5a0-bc737ba655b6″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:46:39.716Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:46:39+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”booking!”,”borderColor”:”#ffbc00″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’%3e%3cpath d=’M8.905 5h14.983c.5 0 .905.405.905.905v20.191a.904.904 0 0 1-.904.904H8.904A.904.904 0 0 1 8 26.096V5.905c0-.5.405-.905.905-.905Z’ fill=’%23FFBC00’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(8 5)’ d=’M0 0h16.793v22H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

85′ – The match is becoming more intense. Castro hits Carboni and shortly thereafter is pushed by Pablo Marì while the game is stopped. Both end up booking from Massa.

“,”postId”:”8b438305-7e4f-43c5-84e4-a44ec7e0538b”},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:43:00.049Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:43:00+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”substitution”,”borderColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ d=’M13.36 5.239a.823.823 0 0 1 1.16 0c.29.289.316.742.078 1.06l-.079.092-4.541 4.516 4.541 4.517c.29.29.317.742.08 1.06l-.08.092a.823.823 0 0 1-1.067.08l-.092-.08-5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 1-.08-1.061l.08-.092 5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M19.64 15.424a.823.823 0 0 0-1.16 0 .812.812 0 0 0-.078 1.06l.079.092 4.541 4.517-4.541 4.516a.812.812 0 0 0-.08 1.061l.08.091c.29.29.746.316 1.067.08l.092-.08 5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 0 .08-1.061l-.08-.092-5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 10.093c.453 0 .82.364.82.814a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.809l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.815c0-.415.313-.758.717-.808l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 20.278c.453 0 .82.365.82.815a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.808l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.814c0-.416.313-.759.717-.809l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

83′ – Nesta tries to fix the situation with Bondo and Maric for Izzo and Djuric.

“,”postId”:”f94e85a1-c18c-41f5-b68c-e7963894820f”},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:40:28.159Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:40:28+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”GOAL!”,”borderColor”:”#ffffff”,”backgroundColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’%3e%3cmask id=’b’ style=’mask-type:luminance’ maskUnits=’userSpaceOnUse’ x=’5′ y=’5′ width=’22’ height=’22’%3e%3cpath d=’M27 5H5v22h22V5Z’ fill=’white’/%3e%3c/mask%3e%3cg mask=’url(%23b)’%3e%3cpath fill-rule=’evenodd’ clip-rule=’evenodd’ d=’M16 5c6.075 0 11 4.925 11 11s-4.925 11-11 11S5 22.075 5 16 9.925 5 16 5Zm0 1.833a9.13 9.13 0 0 0-4.058.945l-1.42 4.17-2.749.004A9.129 9.129 0 0 0 6.833 16c0 .678.074 1.339.214 1.974l3.988 2.645-.973 2.365a9.127 9.127 0 0 0 5.422 2.168l3.092-2.735 1.879 1.596a9.19 9.19 0 0 0 4.345-5.44l-1.947-3.89 1.918-1.354a9.165 9.165 0 0 0-2.41-3.93h-4.624l-.594-2.495A9.254 9.254 0 0 0 16 6.834Zm-.198 4.767 3.997 2.904-1.527 4.698h-4.94l-1.526-4.698 3.996-2.904Z’ fill=’white’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(5 5)’ d=’M0 0h22v22H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”image”:{“imgSrc”:” del Bologna!”,”content”:”

80′ – What a goal by Castro! The Argentine strikes powerfully from 25 meters with an outward effect and the ball hits the net.

n”,”postId”:”081e210c-4830-4ad0-be74-ff5b840630c8″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:38:55.260Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:38:55+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”substitution”,”borderColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ d=’M13.36 5.239a.823.823 0 0 1 1.16 0c.29.289.316.742.078 1.06l-.079.092-4.541 4.516 4.541 4.517c.29.29.317.742.08 1.06l-.08.092a.823.823 0 0 1-1.067.08l-.092-.08-5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 1-.08-1.061l.08-.092 5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M19.64 15.424a.823.823 0 0 0-1.16 0 .812.812 0 0 0-.078 1.06l.079.092 4.541 4.517-4.541 4.516a.812.812 0 0 0-.08 1.061l.08.091c.29.29.746.316 1.067.08l.092-.08 5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 0 .08-1.061l-.08-.092-5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 10.093c.453 0 .82.364.82.814a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.809l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.815c0-.415.313-.758.717-.808l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 20.278c.453 0 .82.365.82.815a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.808l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.814c0-.416.313-.759.717-.809l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

78′ – Posch and Moro replace De Silvestri and Urbanski.


75′ – Lykogiannis’ cross-shot, Turati is alert with his fists.


74′ – Urbanski sends Ndoye into the area, but Izzo controls him well and in the end, his right shot is weak and easily blocked by Turati.

“,”postId”:”52b2504b-7b26-463a-ba24-52c47b5f8aa1″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:31:38.567Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:31:38+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”substitution”,”borderColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ d=’M13.36 5.239a.823.823 0 0 1 1.16 0c.29.289.316.742.078 1.06l-.079.092-4.541 4.516 4.541 4.517c.29.29.317.742.08 1.06l-.08.092a.823.823 0 0 1-1.067.08l-.092-.08-5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 1-.08-1.061l.08-.092 5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M19.64 15.424a.823.823 0 0 0-1.16 0 .812.812 0 0 0-.078 1.06l.079.092 4.541 4.517-4.541 4.516a.812.812 0 0 0-.08 1.061l.08.091c.29.29.746.316 1.067.08l.092-.08 5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 0 .08-1.061l-.08-.092-5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 10.093c.453 0 .82.364.82.814a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.809l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.815c0-.415.313-.758.717-.808l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 20.278c.453 0 .82.365.82.815a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.808l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.814c0-.416.313-.759.717-.809l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

71′ – Italiano brings on Iling Jr for Odgaard, while Monza substitutes Caprari and Forson for Maldini and Mota. This is the first Serie A appearance for the young Englishman.


63′ – Great launch from Bianco for Pessina’s entry, but Ravaglia is attentive and exits at the edge of his area.


56′ – Ndoye Liberates himself well in the area to shoot with his right, but Turati guards well on his post.

“,”postId”:”750d8086-9f94-4048-ab41-7df29d7e96f5″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:12:16.119Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:12:16+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”booking!”,”borderColor”:”#ffbc00″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’%3e%3cpath d=’M8.905 5h14.983c.5 0 .905.405.905.905v20.191a.904.904 0 0 1-.904.904H8.904A.904.904 0 0 1 8 26.096V5.905c0-.5.405-.905.905-.905Z’ fill=’%23FFBC00’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(8 5)’ d=’M0 0h16.793v22H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

51′ – The first caution in Bologna: it’s Lucumì, who intervened too late on Maldini.


50′ – Monza also has its chance at the beginning of the second half: Bianco frees himself well for a shot from the edge of the area and looks for the low corner to Ravaglia’s left. The ball goes out by a bit.


49′ – A fine shot by Castro on the near post, responsive Turati in corner.

“,”postId”:”2051d42b-af8b-44cc-85c7-62730560420d”},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:05:48.137Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:05:48+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”the second half starts!”,”borderColor”:”#00d209″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ fill-rule=’evenodd’ clip-rule=’evenodd’ d=’m24.571 15.22-5.25 1.968a.715.715 0 0 0-.464.67 5.72 5.72 0 0 1-5.714 5.713 5.721 5.721 0 0 1-5.714-5.714 5.721 5.721 0 0 1 5.714-5.714H24.57v3.076Zm.715-4.506H13.143C9.205 10.714 6 13.92 6 17.857 6 21.796 9.205 25 13.143 25c3.77 0 6.867-2.936 7.125-6.641l5.269-1.976a.715.715 0 0 0 .463-.669V11.43a.714.714 0 0 0-.714-.715ZM12.429 8.571V5.714a.714.714 0 1 1 1.428 0v2.857a.714.714 0 1 1-1.428 0Zm3.175.595a.714.714 0 0 1-.198-.99l1.428-2.144a.713.713 0 1 1 1.189.793l-1.429 2.143a.714.714 0 0 1-.99.198ZM8.263 6.825a.714.714 0 1 1 1.188-.793l1.429 2.143a.714.714 0 1 1-1.189.793L8.263 6.825Z’ fill=’%23051045’/%3e%3cpath fill-rule=’evenodd’ clip-rule=’evenodd’ d=’M15.286 17.857A2.145 2.145 0 0 1 13.143 20 2.145 2.145 0 0 1 11 17.857c0-1.182.961-2.143 2.143-2.143 1.181 0 2.143.961 2.143 2.143Zm-5.715 0a3.575 3.575 0 0 0 3.572 3.572 3.576 3.576 0 0 0 3.571-3.572 3.576 3.576 0 0 0-3.571-3.571 3.576 3.576 0 0 0-3.572 3.571Z’ fill=’%23051045’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

46′ – Restarting now.

“,”postId”:”7a202b65-7a6b-41b5-a486-a4750c298cd5″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:05:03.184Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:05:03+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”substitution”,”borderColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ d=’M13.36 5.239a.823.823 0 0 1 1.16 0c.29.289.316.742.078 1.06l-.079.092-4.541 4.516 4.541 4.517c.29.29.317.742.08 1.06l-.08.092a.823.823 0 0 1-1.067.08l-.092-.08-5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 1-.08-1.061l.08-.092 5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M19.64 15.424a.823.823 0 0 0-1.16 0 .812.812 0 0 0-.078 1.06l.079.092 4.541 4.517-4.541 4.516a.812.812 0 0 0-.08 1.061l.08.091c.29.29.746.316 1.067.08l.092-.08 5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 0 .08-1.061l-.08-.092-5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 10.093c.453 0 .82.364.82.814a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.809l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.815c0-.415.313-.758.717-.808l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 20.278c.453 0 .82.365.82.815a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.808l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.814c0-.416.313-.759.717-.809l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

A change in Bologna at halftime. In defense Beukema takes the place of Casale, who is injured in the locker room.

“,”postId”:”c9a64795-85f8-44f7-844d-5a92814bf4e6″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:04:13.384Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:04:13+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”How the first half went”,”content”:”

Monza started better, almost taking the lead twice with Pedro Pereira and Bianco, but gradually gave way and was punished by Urbanski’s first Serie A goal, who managed to head in a cross from Lykogiannis. Bologna then had several chances to double, with Urbanski himself, Castro, and the unstoppable Ndoye. Just before halftime, however, a hesitation from Ravaglia on a shot from Maldini allows Djuric to equalize from close range.

“,”postId”:”e1abb3c2-d894-4f33-aa63-a467db5e95b6″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T13:50:22.234Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T15:50:22+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”halftime!”,”borderColor”:”#00d209″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ fill-rule=’evenodd’ clip-rule=’evenodd’ d=’m24.571 15.22-5.25 1.968a.715.715 0 0 0-.464.67 5.72 5.72 0 0 1-5.714 5.713 5.721 5.721 0 0 1-5.714-5.714 5.721 5.721 0 0 1 5.714-5.714H24.57v3.076Zm.715-4.506H13.143C9.205 10.714 6 13.92 6 17.857 6 21.796 9.205 25 13.143 25c3.77 0 6.867-2.936 7.125-6.641l5.269-1.976a.715.715 0 0 0 .463-.669V11.43a.714.714 0 0 0-.714-.715ZM12.429 8.571V5.714a.714.714 0 1 1 1.428 0v2.857a.714.714 0 1 1-1.428 0Zm3.175.595a.714.714 0 0 1-.198-.99l1.428-2.144a.713.713 0 1 1 1.189.793l-1.429 2.143a.714.714 0 0 1-.99.198ZM8.263 6.825a.714.714 0 1 1 1.188-.793l1.429 2.143a.714.714 0 1 1-1.189.793L8.263 6.825Z’ fill=’%23051045’/%3e%3cpath fill-rule=’evenodd’ clip-rule=’evenodd’ d=’M15.286 17.857A2.145 2.145 0 0 1 13.143 20 2.145 2.145 0 0 1 11 17.857c0-1.182.961-2.143 2.143-2.143 1.181 0 2.143.961 2.143 2.143Zm-5.715 0a3.575 3.575 0 0 0 3.572 3.572 3.576 3.576 0 0 0 3.571-3.572 3.576 3.576 0 0 0-3.571-3.571 3.576 3.576 0 0 0-3.572 3.571Z’ fill=’%23051045’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

45’+ 1′ – After just one minute of injury time, Massa sends everyone to the locker room. 1-1 between Monza and Bologna



Vincenzo Italiano finds his first victory in official matches as Bologna’s coach. Until now, between the league and Champions League, he had 4 draws and 1 loss. Nesta instead postpones his first Serie A victory appointment: 3 draws and 2 losses in 5 matches

it ends here!

94′ – The injury time passes without worries: Bologna wins 2-1 in Monza with Castro’s goal in the second half

90′ – Free kick from the edge of the area for Bologna. Moro shoots the wall. Meanwhile, four minutes of added time are reported.


88′ – D’Ambrosio for Pedro Pereira, thus Nesta finishes his substitutions.


85′ – The match is becoming more intense. Castro hits Carboni and shortly thereafter is pushed by Pablo Marì while the game is stopped. Both end up booking from Massa.

83′ – Nesta tries to fix the situation with Bondo and Maric for Izzo and Djuric.

“,”postId”:”f94e85a1-c18c-41f5-b68c-e7963894820f”},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:40:28.159Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:40:28+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”GOAL!”,”borderColor”:”#ffffff”,”backgroundColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’%3e%3cmask id=’b’ style=’mask-type:luminance’ maskUnits=’userSpaceOnUse’ x=’5′ y=’5′ width=’22’ height=’22’%3e%3cpath d=’M27 5H5v22h22V5Z’ fill=’white’/%3e%3c/mask%3e%3cg mask=’url(%23b)’%3e%3cpath fill-rule=’evenodd’ clip-rule=’evenodd’ d=’M16 5c6.075 0 11 4.925 11 11s-4.925 11-11 11S5 22.075 5 16 9.925 5 16 5Zm0 1.833a9.13 9.13 0 0 0-4.058.945l-1.42 4.17-2.749.004A9.129 9.129 0 0 0 6.833 16c0 .678.074 1.339.214 1.974l3.988 2.645-.973 2.365a9.127 9.127 0 0 0 5.422 2.168l3.092-2.735 1.879 1.596a9.19 9.19 0 0 0 4.345-5.44l-1.947-3.89 1.918-1.354a9.165 9.165 0 0 0-2.41-3.93h-4.624l-.594-2.495A9.254 9.254 0 0 0 16 6.834Zm-.198 4.767 3.997 2.904-1.527 4.698h-4.94l-1.526-4.698 3.996-2.904Z’ fill=’white’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(5 5)’ d=’M0 0h22v22H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”image”:{“imgSrc”:” del Bologna!”,”content”:”

80′ – What a goal by Castro! The Argentine strikes powerfully from 25 meters with an outward effect and the ball hits the net.

n”,”postId”:”081e210c-4830-4ad0-be74-ff5b840630c8″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:38:55.260Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:38:55+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”substitution”,”borderColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ d=’M13.36 5.239a.823.823 0 0 1 1.16 0c.29.289.316.742.078 1.06l-.079.092-4.541 4.516 4.541 4.517c.29.29.317.742.08 1.06l-.08.092a.823.823 0 0 1-1.067.08l-.092-.08-5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 1-.08-1.061l.08-.092 5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M19.64 15.424a.823.823 0 0 0-1.16 0 .812.812 0 0 0-.078 1.06l.079.092 4.541 4.517-4.541 4.516a.812.812 0 0 0-.08 1.061l.08.091c.29.29.746.316 1.067.08l.092-.08 5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 0 .08-1.061l-.08-.092-5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 10.093c.453 0 .82.364.82.814a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.809l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.815c0-.415.313-.758.717-.808l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 20.278c.453 0 .82.365.82.815a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.808l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.814c0-.416.313-.759.717-.809l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

78′ – Posch and Moro replace De Silvestri and Urbanski.


75′ – Lykogiannis’ cross-shot, Turati is alert with his fists.


74′ – Urbanski sends Ndoye into the area, but Izzo controls him well and in the end, his right shot is weak and easily blocked by Turati.

“,”postId”:”52b2504b-7b26-463a-ba24-52c47b5f8aa1″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:31:38.567Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:31:38+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”substitution”,”borderColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ d=’M13.36 5.239a.823.823 0 0 1 1.16 0c.29.289.316.742.078 1.06l-.079.092-4.541 4.516 4.541 4.517c.29.29.317.742.08 1.06l-.08.092a.823.823 0 0 1-1.067.08l-.092-.08-5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 1-.08-1.061l.08-.092 5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M19.64 15.424a.823.823 0 0 0-1.16 0 .812.812 0 0 0-.078 1.06l.079.092 4.541 4.517-4.541 4.516a.812.812 0 0 0-.08 1.061l.08.091c.29.29.746.316 1.067.08l.092-.08 5.12-5.092a.812.812 0 0 0 .08-1.061l-.08-.092-5.12-5.092Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 10.093c.453 0 .82.364.82.814a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.809l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.815c0-.415.313-.758.717-.808l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%23DE0000’/%3e%3cpath d=’M24.18 20.278c.453 0 .82.365.82.815a.817.817 0 0 1-.716.808l-.103.006H9.843a.817.817 0 0 1-.819-.814c0-.416.313-.759.717-.809l.102-.006h14.338Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

71′ – Italiano brings on Iling Jr for Odgaard, while Monza substitutes Caprari and Forson for Maldini and Mota. This is the first Serie A appearance for the young Englishman.


63′ – Great launch from Bianco for Pessina’s entry, but Ravaglia is attentive and exits at the edge of his area.


56′ – Ndoye Liberates himself well in the area to shoot with his right, but Turati guards well on his post.

“,”postId”:”750d8086-9f94-4048-ab41-7df29d7e96f5″},{“timestamp”:”2024-09-22T14:12:16.119Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-09-22T16:12:16+0200″,”event”:{“text”:”booking!”,”borderColor”:”#ffbc00″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’%3e%3cpath d=’M8.905 5h14.983c.5 0 .905.405.905.905v20.191a.904.904 0 0 1-.904.904H8.904A.904.904 0 0 1 8 26.096V5.905c0-.5.405-.905.905-.905Z’ fill=’%23FFBC00’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(8 5)’ d=’M0 0h16.793v22H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”football”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

51′ – The first caution in Bologna: it’s Lucumì, who intervened too late on Maldini.


50′ – Monza also has its chance at the beginning of the second half: Bianco frees himself well for a shot from the edge of the area and looks for the low corner to Ravaglia’s left. The ball goes out by a bit.


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