Bolsa Família, Single Registry and details

by time news

2023-07-30 15:26:41

The Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger (MDS), manager of the new Bolsa Família Program, begins preparations for the August payment round.

Unlike July, the August calendar will feature transfers from two social programs. In addition to the Bolsa Família, there will also be payments from the Auxílio Gás dos Brasileiros Program, which is transferred every two months. This raises a question: Will all Bolsa Família beneficiaries receive Gas Aid?

August Gas Aid Registration

According to the rules of the program, the Gas Aid should be distributed bimonthly to all families registered in the federal government’s Single Registry (CadÚnico). CadÚnico is the database where families in situations of social vulnerability register to receive government benefits. However, to be eligible, the family must have a monthly income of at most half a minimum wage (R$660) per person.

CadÚnico has approximately 40 million registered families that meet these requirements. This number includes the more than 20 million families benefiting from the new Bolsa Família Program, which have the same income bracket and, therefore, in theory, would have the right to receive the Gas Aid benefit every two months.

But why doesn’t everyone from Bolsa Família receive Gas Aid?

Even with millions of eligible families, the Ministry of Social Development declares that it does not have the necessary resources to pay the Gas Aid to everyone. Thus, the rules of the program determine that the government must make the payment to as many families as possible within the available financial resources.

This means that, even with 40 million families entitled to Gas Aid, only about six million actually receive the benefit. These are selected by applying filters created by the ministry to identify those who are most in need. Therefore, only families with lower per capita monthly income, families with a larger number of members and families with women who are victims of domestic violence are contemplated.

August Gas Aid Calendar

The payment schedule for Bolsa Família and Auxílio Gás has been released. Families can check the day they will receive the benefits, according to the end of the Social Identification Number (NIS):

Final NIS 1 – August 18; Final NIS 2 – August 21 (deposit Saturday 8/19); Final NIS 3 – August 22; Final NIS 4 – August 23; Final NIS 5 – August 24; NIS Final 6 – August 25; NIS Final 7 – August 28 (deposit Saturday, 8/26); NIS Final 8 – August 29; NIS Final 9 – August 30; NIS from end 0 – 31 August.

It is important to remember that the list of beneficiaries of the Gas Aid will not change due to limited resources, which means that only families that received the Gas Aid in July will also receive it in August.

#Bolsa #Família #Single #Registry #details

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