Bolsonaro and Milei – La Nación 2023

by time news

2023-09-24 13:00:21

By Eric Nepomuceno

From Rio de Janeiro

In Brazil there is an avalanche of issues that capture everyone’s attention, ranging from the economy under the government of Lula da Silva to the environmental issue, including the reconstruction of everything that was destroyed under the government of the unbalanced far-right Jair Bolsonaro. , between 2019 and last year.

Two issues, however, have been concentrating the attention mainly of politicians and analysts of the situation: what refers to the wave of complaints against Bolsonaro, which multiply every week, and what is happening in Argentina, especially the bombings of Javier Milei and the possibilities of him being the new president starting in December.

Coup delirium

The information that Lieutenant Colonel Mauro Cid, who was aide-de-camp and man of unrestricted confidence of the far-right, has been revealing to the Federal Police are overwhelming drips of Jair Bolsonaro’s coup delirium. There is even a complaint that the then top commander of the Navy was adhering to a coup proposal that did not occur because the Army and Aeronautics chose to stay out of the game.

The signs are clear that Justice will act rigorously and without haste. Everything indicates that nothing will happen to the corrupt and unbalanced Bolsonaro before next year, when municipal elections will take place.

There are also complaints against retired soldiers, most of them high-ranking, involved in the coup plot.

military unrest

The discomfort of the current heads of the three arms in the face of the complaints that continue to grow stronger is palpable.

Thus, the sum of everything he says regarding Bolsonaro and his gang continues to focus attention on Brazil.

But there is another focus of attention and concern concentrated next door, in neighboring Argentina, mainly related to the figure of Javier Milei.

It’s not Bolsonaro

There is a kind of consensus, certainly wrong, that this is a local version of Bolsonaro.

Wrong because even though Milei mentions Bolsonaro and the intemperate former US president Donald Trump as guiding figures, there are notable differences between the Argentine and the Brazilian.

For starters, Milei is smart and knowledgeable. Furthermore, his proposals, no matter how absurd they may sound – absurd and extremely dangerous – obey a certain logic. And his flying rants don’t come close to making him as unbalanced as Bolsonaro.


The concern is not limited to Lula da Silva and his government. There is full awareness that relations between both countries would suffer a tremor.

Rarely have the Brazilian business community, as well as the owners of agriculture, industrialists and banks with interests or businesses in Argentina followed an election in the neighboring country as closely as now.

There is great concern both about what Milei will be able to do with the Argentine economy, which is going through a crisis of worrying proportions, and what he would do in foreign policy.

Relations with the world

The radical weakening of Mercosur, or its mere extinction, is expected, among other disasters. Compared to what Bolsonaro tried to do with that alliance, what Milei proposes is much more frightening.

This tense concern will only grow between now and Sunday in October when Argentine voters will decide not only their own future, but the future of their country’s relations with the entire Continent and the world.

Freed from the danger that was Jair Bolsonaro, the conscious part of the Brazilians now face another: Javier Milei.

What times…

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