Boluarte said he did not know that Rolex watches were high-end – 2024-04-18 00:32:05

by times news cr

2024-04-18 00:32:05

Through Canal N, more excerpts from the interrogation of the president, Dina Boluarte, in the National Prosecutor’s Office for the Rolex case, where she has been investigated for the alleged crime of illicit enrichment, were released. In this context, the news outlet revealed that the president said that she was not aware that the Rolex brand watches that Wilfredo Oscorima gave her as a loan were of high value.

«At first, I didn’t know that the watches were high-end. For me they were always nice watches that I should wear on loan. “I have already said that there was never any request or intention behind these loans,” he declared before the Prosecutor’s Office after question 49, in which he was asked if Oscorima requested anything from him in exchange for the watches.

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And in question 55 from the Prosecutor’s Office, the head of state acknowledged that she did know that July 16 is the birthday of Wilfredo Oscorima, of whom she previously denied that the Rolex loan had meant any condition, promise, advantage. or benefit for the regional authority.

In question 48, the acting prosecutor of the Nation asked Boluarte to specify since what date he has maintained a friendship with the regional governor of Ayacucho, Wilfredo Oscorima. “Since he was elected governor, he arrived at the Palace at the invitation of then-president Pedro Castillo, not remembering the date,” he said.

To question number 44, Boluarte answered that “the emergency decrees are not specifically for a certain region, they are for various regions and their technical files begin in the district and provincial municipalities.” […] “The last person to sign the emergency decrees is the president of the republic.”

The Attorney General’s Office also addressed the issue of the Bangle bracelet. Dina Boluarte indicated that the card found in her house during the raid in Surco was not hidden, but rather it was likely left in her study.

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