Bolzano, the “hot” areas of the city under police scrutiny over the weekend – Bolzano

by times news cr

BOLZANO. The city of Bolzano has been the scene of a series of events since last Friday evening. numerous checks carried out by over 30 women and men belonging to the police force and aimed, as in the previous phases, at preventing and combating crimes against property, drug dealing and theft.

Also last weekend and until this morning, ordered by order of the Bolzano Police Chief Paolo Sartori, specific general prevention services were carried out by the operational units of the Bolzano Police Headquarters, the Polfer and the Bolzano Local Police, with the specialized support of the Crime Prevention Unit of the State Police.

In particular, the areas of Piazza Mazzini, Via Claudia Augusta, Via Maso della Pieve, Via Alto Adige, Via dei Cappuccini, Via Perathoner, Via Garibaldi, Piazza Parrocchia and Via Isarco, the railway station and the surrounding streets were checked – thanks to the effective prevention action implemented by the Polfer –, as well as the streets of the historic center. Special attention was paid to those areas where the presence of individuals dedicated to drug dealing is usually recorded as well as those reported for the commission of illegal activities.

Specifically, prevention and monitoring interventions were also carried out at the “Centrum” and “Twenty” shopping centres, and some abandoned buildings in Salita Sant’Osvaldo and Via Flavon were inspected, which had already been the scene of similar police operations carried out in recent days, as well as the Lungo Isarco and Lungo Talvera promenades, reported by citizens as meeting places for homeless individuals, sometimes illegally present on our national territory, as well as used as a point of reference for the carrying out of illegal activities.

In this context, the following were also detected: clear traces of the use of these places as makeshift bivouacs. This type of check is intended to monitor these areas, in order to prevent the consolidation of critical situations for public order and safety.

Furthermore, this morning the police commissioner ordered a search and rescue service monitoring and prevention in the areas near some schools of the Municipality of Bolzano, also following reports from parents who had expressed the importance of carrying out checks in the vicinity of schools during the influx and outflow of students. These monitoring activities are aimed at preventing malicious individuals from approaching children in front of schools, luring them into illegal situations or proposing the purchase of drugs. During these specific police activities, no particular critical situations were highlighted.

These are the most significant interventions:

In the area of ​​Piazza Vittoria, during the evening of Friday, two EU criminals were identified and checked – a 41-year-old Polish citizen and a 36-year-old Slovakian citizen – who, with an insistent and annoying attitude, were causing annoyance and inconvenience to people in transit. Since they had no legitimate reason to remain in the area, the police commissioner issued against them two orders prohibiting them from accessing the urban areas of the center of Bolzano (Dacur), and therefore they were removed from Piazza Vittoria.

On Saturday morning, in via Bari, BN, a 33-year-old Moroccan citizen, was subjected to a police check, against whom last August the police chief of Nuoro had issued an Order to leave the National Territory. Having failed to comply, in addition to being reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, police chief Sartori ordered his expulsion and his escort to the CPR.

On Saturday afternoon, the Tunisian citizen AA, who a few days ago committed the crime of robbery and violence against a public official in Via Museo, was hit by an expulsion decree issued and escorted to the CPR in Bari, where he will wait for the completion of the procedures relating to his forced repatriation to Tunisia.

Overall – even during the 5 checkpoints carried out along the arteries leading into the city – they have been 7 public establishments, 85 vehicles and 287 people were checked, of which 93 were foreigners and 119 with criminal records.

At the end of the operational activities – in which the Anti-Crime Division and the Immigration Office of the Police Headquarters also collaborated, for their respective areas of competence – the police commissioner adopted the following measures: 4 mandatory expulsion orders, 4 oral warnings (Preventive Measure provided for by the Anti-Mafia Law Code), 2 access bans to urban areas in the city centre, 5 expulsion decrees. Following the investigations carried out by the Immigration Office, the police commissioner issued three of them with removal orders, ordering them to leave the country within seven days; if they do not comply, they will be reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office and forcibly escorted to their country of origin. The police commissioner ordered the transfer of two others to the CPRs.

“The extraordinary controls of the territory constitute an effective and flexible tool to better direct the prevention and repression activities, with the intent of providing rapid responses to the legitimate security needs of the citizens – highlighted the police commissioner Sartori –. It is absolutely necessary to avoid that urban contexts with a high level of civil coexistence such as that of Bolzano become stable points of interest for criminals and offenders.. The collaboration of citizens, associations, trade organizations and high institutions operating in the various sectors serving the community is essential to better orient control activities on the territory, ensuring an increase in actual and perceived safety”.

2024-09-17 10:03:29

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