The amount of 300 million euros, through the extraordinary taxation of the refineries, is to be distributed in the form of a series of benefits, to more than 2 million citizens.

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The process of determining them is in full progress, as well as the search for additional funds from the Financial Staff, so that the support becomes even greater, if this is possible.

It is already being considered permanently increase child benefitas it is established that it is a measure that can help to deal with the huge demographic problem facing the country. However, from the extraordinary taxation that has been decided, a significant share is expected to be received mainly by pensioners, with a series of benefits (social solidarity to fight punctuality and personal difference to limit losses from increases).

However, there will also be special benefits, which in the form of emergency aid, are expected to be given to vulnerable groups of the population such as Disabled and beneficiaries of Minimum Guaranteed Income.

In more detail:

Personal Difference Allowance: It was named so because it will only be awarded to those retirees who still have a positive personal difference. This means that around 100 million euros are earmarked for around 743,000 pensioners, who find that the amount of pension they receive is higher than the one that results after its recalculation. OR personal difference which these pensioners “carry”, decreases year after year, according to the annual increases given to the rest.

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But the particular pensioners, just see an accounting retreat of their personal difference, not zeroing it out. The process is dynamic and it is estimated that every year, the “reservoir” of unjust pensioners who maintain a personal difference and do not have the right to enjoy the increases that the rest get, will decrease.

For this reason and this year, according to Christmas, these pensioners will receive an allowance, ranging from 100 – 200 euros per case. A necessary condition remains that their monthly income from pensions does not exceed, cumulatively, 1,600 euros.

OR last year’s classification of the specific allowance, is expected to be repeated this year, with perhaps small variations: Thus, last year the specific allowance started from 100 euros for beneficiaries whose monthly income from pensions, main and supplementary, ranged from 1,101 to 1,600 euros. The allowance increased to 150 euros for beneficiaries with a pension income of 701 – 1,100 euros per month and ended at 200 euros for beneficiaries with a pension income of up to 700 euros on a monthly basis.

But there are another 200 million euros from extraordinary taxation which are also to be channeled in a targeted manner to special groups of citizens. A part of this extra fund will be distributed to the low pensioners, in the form of an emergency financial aid. In particular:

Low pensioners: The aim is that the amount that will be received by those who have income from pensions that does not exceed 700 euros per month (8,400 euros annually) will be greater than the 150 euros given last year, as an extraordinary financial aid. This measure is expected to focus on those pensioners who do not have a personal difference, but have very small pensions.

At the same time, it is expected to be granted corresponding extraordinary allowance to families with children (approx. 800,000), to beneficiaries of the Minimum Guaranteed Income (approx. 200,000), to Persons with Disabilities (approx. 180,000), but also to Uninsured Seniors (approx. 35,000).

In the planning that has been done so far by the co-competent Ministries of Finance and Labour, the largest allowance (200 euros and above) is expected to be given to the disabled. Next are its beneficiaries Minimum Guaranteed Income, who are estimated to receive, as last year, an increase of half in relation to the monthly financial aid granted to them. At the level of 150 euros, it is estimated that the allowance for the uninsured elderly will be established, regardless of whether they are beneficiaries of the relevant pension or the social solidarity allowance.

As far as they are concerned beneficiaries of child benefitthe increase by half of the benefit granted is considered a given. However, the possibility of increasing the specific allowance as a whole, through an additional fund, is also being considered.

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