Book sales: the box of green books

by time news

2023-07-18 17:11:42

Summer, the perfect season to go green, in every sense of the word? Certainly, the firebrands signed by climatosceptics rarely invite themselves into this list. But we note here an overrepresentation of political ecology with the activist Camille Etienne (For an ecological uprising) and especially the collective Les Uprisings of the Earth and its vituperating manifesto We do not dissolve an uprising co-signed by about forty people, including writers as renowned as Virginie Despentes or Alain Damasio.

As for novels, are we also rising up to save the planet? A priori, no – someone like Virginie Grimaldi is not known for her environmental positions. Does this mean that literature lives above ground, cut off from the environment? Nay: the long-lasting carton of Cédric Sapin-Defour’s book offers a denial. In His smell after the rain, an ode to his Bernese mountain dog, he also sings about nature. In a gentler way than The Uprisings of the Earth…

Literary awards.

© / L’Express

9. The Seven Sisters (t. VIII). Atlas

By Lucinda Riley and Harry Whittaker

The Seven Sisters (t. VIII). Atlas By Lucinda Riley and Harry Whittaker


Lucinda Riley’s death in 2021 didn’t end her Seven Sisters saga. The novelist’s son, Harry Whittaker, took up the torch to write Atlas, the eighth and final volume in the series. With nearly 100,000 copies sold here, he proves that he was able to convince his mother’s many admirers.

3. A summer with Jankélévitch

Par Cynthia Fleury

A Summer with Jankélévitch By Cynthia Fleury

© / Editions des Equateurs

The collection led by four hands by the Equators and France Inter is no longer a success: let us quote the book of Antoine Compagnon on Montaigne, or those of Sylvain Tesson on Homère and Rimbaud. A Summer with Jankélévitch by Cynthia Fleury seemed reserved for insiders. The proof that not with an uninterrupted presence at the top of our ranking.


Our body

By Juan Luis Arsuaga

Spain Our Body By Juan Luis Arsuaga


It’s not every day that a paleoanthropologist experiences such a welcome in bookstores. When he is not scouring prehistoric sites, Professor Juan Luis Arsuaga teaches in Madrid and London, and gives lectures around the world. In his new book, Nuestro cuerpo, he deciphers the evolution of the human body over the past seven million years. A clever popularization essay that has been going very well for a month and a half in Spain, where it tops El Cultural’s non-fiction sales.

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