On the website www.dypa.gov.gr, today, Friday, August 23, the temporary tables of beneficiaries, beneficiaries and excluded and the register of providers of the 2024 book purchase voucher program were posted DOUBLE.

It is recalled that the temporary tables of beneficiaries concern 150,000 checks worth €25 eachincluding VAT, with a budget of 3,750,000 euros.

Submission of objections

Beneficiaries who submitted an application for participation have the right to submit a single objection from Saturday 24.08.2024 at 10:00 until Monday 26.08.2024 at 18:00. The objection is submitted exclusively electronically at the address:


Specifically, the path is: Home / Work and Insurance / Compensation and Benefits / Book Purchase Checks

Beneficiaries who file an objection must clearly state the reason for the objection (e.g. incorrect scoring, fulfillment of the participation conditions, etc.) and substantiate their claims by attaching to their objection electronically scanned relevant supporting documents.

The way in which the fulfillment of the conditions for participation and the scoring criteria is demonstrated is described in detail in the Public Invitation (Appendix of Part 2), which the beneficiaries must consult for the correct attachment of supporting documents.

As clarified by DYPA, objections that are not submitted electronically are not considered.

From September 1, the implementation of the program

The program will be implemented from 01.09.2024 to 31.12.2024. With the cheque, which is in the form of a unique electronic code number, beneficiaries and beneficiaries can buy any book they choose from the bookstores and publishing houses of the register of providers with a 10% discount.

For information, interested parties can visit the address

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