books celebrating at Ragusa-

by time news

The Sicilian event in its thirteenth edition will take place between 9 and 12 June touching on themes that go from fiction to medicine and science. We start with Pupi Avati and his book The high fantasy (Solferino)

The preview, by the sea (Marina di Ragusa-Terrazza del Porto) promises an engaging Festival: Pupi Avati (thanks to the success of his book High fantasy published by Solferino) will address Francesca Fagnani and her questions. Title of the meeting, Me and the beast. Not that the beginning of a route that touches the most evocative corners of Ragusa and Ragusa Iblathe ancient city of the Sicilian South East.

The XIII edition of At full volume (9-12 June), therefore, is back in great shape with the presentation of books (from non-fiction to fiction) and authors, among the most accredited on the Italian scene. In short, a festival of culture. This year, the Renaissance edition will give even more space to children’s literature, to let us be infected by the enthusiasm of the youngest, notes the artistic director, Alessandro Di Salvo. And he adds: Furthermore, a glance focused on the major current issues, through the magnifying glass of the editorialists of the main Italian newspapers.

Some names of the authors present: Lirio Abbate (MassacresRizzoli), journalist and essayist, Daria Bignardi (Books that have ruined my lifeEinaudi), writer and TV presenter, Paolo Calabresi (All men who are notSalani), actor, Luciano Canfora (The democracy of the gentlemenLaterza), historian and philosopher, Valeria Parrella (The FortuneFeltrinelli), writer and playwright, Sergio Rizzo (Absolute powerSolferino) and Filippo Ceccarelli (In there, Feltrinelli), columnists of the Republic, Fiorenza Sarzanini (Hungry for loveSolferino), deputy director of Corriere della Sera, Elena Stancanelli (finalist of the Campiello Prize with The diverLa nave di Teseo), screenwriter and writer, Massimo Osanna (The hidden world of Pompeii, Rizzoli), archaeologist. And on with Andrea Monda (curator of The weaving of the world by Pope Francis, Salani) journalist, Viola Di Grado (Blue hungerThe ship of Theseus), writer, Silvia Truzzi (The wrong skyLonganesi), journalist, Oscar Farinetti (Never quiet, Rizzoli), founder of Eataly. In the voice health two well-known names: Ilaria Capua (The wonder and the transformationMondadori) and Giuseppe Remuzzi (When doctors get it wrongThe third ).

Among the events of the Festival, some celebratory moments: the centenary of Pasolini’s birth, the centenary of the death of Giovanni Verga, the thirtieth anniversary of the mafia massacres (in which the magistrates Falcone and Borsellino lost their lives), the hundredth birthday of Margherita Hack (1922-2013). A full volume astrophysics dedicates a party under the stars (12 June). The tribute to Gesualdo Bufalino (Me, Franca Florio, Archilibri), between cinema and literature, sees Gianni Canova and Massimo Onofri in dialogue. For the kids section we point out: Alessia Denaro (The castle of happinessSalani) and Anna Parisi (Physics told to childrenSalani), Mia Canestrini (Heart keeper. The friendship between a boy and a black wolf, Mondadori Electa). The program in detail and info on

June 8, 2022 (change June 8, 2022 | 21:16)

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