Books, ‘I predatori (tra noi)’: in Nuzzi’s book the barbaric drift of the Italians

by time news

“This book tells a deep sickness, a social cannibalism, a world in which, in the most extreme cases, girls commit suicide from the balconies and nobody seems to notice, be surprised and questioned. Where new drugs anesthetize lives and relationships. E women become rag dolls that Bluebeard in flesh and blood stun with psychiatric drugs and psychoactive drugs to lead them to the carnival of horrors “. journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi in his new book ‘The predators (among us) money, drugs, rape: the barbaric drift of the Italians’ (published by Rizzoli)retraces, through documents, unpublished minutes and interviewsrecent news stories at the center of judicial proceedings, many of which are still ongoing.

Here then is that a multimillionaire entrepreneur, with the touch of King Midas when it comes to bringing innovative digital startups to success, he is arrested for crimes ranging from sexual violence to kidnapping, from injuries to drug dealing, committed in a penthouse in the center of Milan or in a Ibiza villa, theater of wild parties attended by celebrities from the show business, established professionals, assorted celebrities and very young models. Under the pretext of a job interview, the owner of a pharmaceutical company he narcotizes a young acquaintance and abuses her; after the girl’s complaint, others realize that they have undergone the same treatment. A real estate agent he pours benzodiazepines into the spritzes of a couple interested in buying a box, and takes advantage of the woman’s semi-unconsciousness to subject her to perverse games, already experienced over the years on other victims. Barely legal boys use alcohol and tranquilizers to stun their friends in clubs and forcing them into group sexual acts.

“Il my job – writes Nuzzi – is not deciding who is right and what should be the penalty to be attributed to the guilty ones, the judicial truth will be established by the courts. Here we want to photograph the drift an act that sweeps everything away: feelings, freedom and dignity of people “.” These pages – writes the journalist, author of international bestsellers on the scandals in the Vatican, creator and host of TV programs – serve to face a reality that happens continuously, ever closer, that infiltrates normal everyday life of all of us, and with whom we must learn to deal “.

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