Books, ‘Leadhers’ by Tonia Cartolano is out

by time news

Put know, put donne. And their stories of ‘extraordinary normality’. He tells them Tonia Cartolano in his book “Lead Hers” (ed. Santelli Editore) just released in bookstores. The protagonists of the story are Elisabetta Belloni, director of the Security Information Department; Tania Cagnotto, world and Olympic diving champion; Elisabetta Franchi, stylist and entrepreneur; Gaia Pigino, scientist; Titti Postiglione, Deputy Head of the Italian Civil Protection Department; Speranza Scappucci, conductor; Paola Severino, president of the National Administration School. “I was surprised to think that no one had ever told me like this” commented the former Keeper of the Seals Paola Severino tonight with Tonia Cartolano, in the Sala delle Colonne of the Luiss ‘Guido Carli’ University, for the presentation of the book written by the journalist. in the morning of Skytg24 where he curates and conducts “Buongiorno”.

The stories of these seven leading women of our country “are not sermons on female leadership” and the book by Tonia Cartolano “it is not a collection of exemplary women” but it tells “certainly educational stories, models to follow, of inspiration for other women, because the path of female affirmation is recent and not taken for granted”. And these seven women move within the perimeter of a country, Italy, which still does not let us understand if “it is ready for its first woman premier in history”. Why, despite the increasing talk of female leadership, is it still so hard to conquer important positions in a world of work designed by males for males? If the models are still few and the imaginary ones are weighed down by clichés, how do women learn to be leaders? And, even before that, to dream of becoming one? “. Here” LeadHers “leads us to walk inside these questions.

The book introduces seven women protagonists of an extraordinarily normal piece of Italian history but each with its own primacy, “in a country where being a woman in the world of work was and often is an uphill road”. “It is said that women, in Italy, are the only majority treated as a minority. And the numbers prove it. Especially if we focus on the top management, on the seats that count politically. Among the most important leaders, in fact, there is ‘is a single woman: Giorgia Meloni. Something is, however, finally changing “observes Tonia Cartolano in her book.

For the second time in its history the Constitutional Court, after Marta Cartabia, has a new female president, Silvana Sciarra. The patriarchy has deep and ancient roots that go back to the time of Homer. Marriage, children and cooking have been the priority occupation of half of humanity for a couple of millennia with a few exceptions. Exceptions that are gradually becoming more and more numerous, but the path of female leadership is recent and not obvious. To answer essential questions on the subject, the author Tonia Cartolano has sometimes had to bother those little girls in the arms of their fathers or force them to listen to that unbearable judgment.

The story of Tonia Cartolano is also a story of extraordinary normality. The journalist has in fact followed the biggest national and international news cases of recent years including the earthquake in Abruzzo, the Viareggio railway disaster, the G8 in L’Aquila, the case of Avetrana, the sinking of the Costa Concordia and most recently the collapse of the Morandi bridge in Genoa and the pandemic in Italy. Cartolano has also been sent several times to Afghanistan, Lebanon, Kosovo and Libya, closely describing contexts of international crisis in various foreign theaters. (by Andreana d’Aquino)

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