Books, presented in Rome “It all started with that thumb” by Rosario Sorrentino

by time news

The presentation of the new book by the neurologist and writer Rosario Sorrentino, ‘Everything began with that thumb’, an introspective novel that tells the story of a successful theater actor affected by the disease, took place at the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome. The meeting, moderated by the journalist and cultural manager Giancarlo Leone, was attended together with the author by the writer and professor of creative writing Cinzia Tani and the director general of the Luiss Guido Carli University, Giovanni Lo Storto.

The volume is “yet another attempt to make people understand that the two cultures, the humanistic and the scientific, are not divided and separate, sometimes even in a harmful way. In reality, a man of science, contaminated by cultures other than his own, can land in fiction and literature – he tells Sorrentino – above all because he transfers a part of his own experience into fiction by trying to create that mix between essay and plot , which makes a novel even more likely than it can be”.

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