Books, Ruggero Marino recounts the ordeal of feminicides in ‘Crocifisse

by time news

From the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi, who vanished into thin air on June 22, 1983, to the tragic end of Simonetta Cesaroni, the girl killed in via Poma in Rome on August 7, 1990. Without forgetting the case of Rosaria, “a sweet, smiling face” , the young victim of the 1975 Circeo massacre, who died “with her dreams” at the hands of violent men. Stories of women whose lives have been shattered by the fury of men blinded by long-simmered hatred against them. Tragedies that range from the most sensational murders that have marked public opinion to the anonymous ones that have remained in the shadows. Tragedies that Ruggero Marino, a journalist who worked in the editorial staff of ‘Il Tempo’ for 34 years, but also a poet and writer, tells in verse in the volume ‘Crocifisse’ published by FlyBooks 5.0. A collection of poems that tell stories of feminicides that have bloodied Italy and many other countries, in different years and situations. “In the following pages – Giuseppe Carrisi, author of ‘The country that kills women’ writes in the preface – Marino reiterates, once again, the need to put an end to the pain and abuse of man over women, giving voice to the request of truth and justice”.

“An unsolved mystery among mysteries while the goalkeeper drowns himself in the sea on a beach near Taranto”, writes Marino in the poem dedicated to the end of Simonetta Cesaroni. Yara, the thirteen year old Lombard on 26 February 2011, “is a twig in leotard and socks for rhythmic gymnastics in Brembate di Sopra”. Poetry, Marino states in the introduction of his book, “perhaps with news, abuse and horror” goes badly together. But violence against the so-called fair sex, a transnational phenomenon that unites the various social strata and the civilized with the most backward ones, it surpasses every black fantasy.The man-killer, lover or not, too often master over the woman, seen as property, is an ogre who crosses continents and time in an endless trail of blood These listed in the book are raw accounts, but they represent true events, taken from the daily news, testifying only the tip of the iceberg, as an example of what happens inside and outside the home”.

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