Boom in electrics, French production… The five key figures of the bicycle market

by time news

►No. 1 means of transport sold

The bicycle is the first means of transport sold in France. 2.5 million bicycles were sold in 2022, according to the 2022 Observatory carried out by the Union sport et cycle which brings together the players in the sector.

Sales of bicycles thus far exceed those of the electric scooter (1.6 million). The car is in third place (1.58 million copies), far ahead of motorcycles, scooters or cars without a license.

The bicycle alone thus represents 43% of the total number of transport vehicles sold in France in 2022.

►28% of bicycles sold are electric

More than one in four bicycles (738,000) purchased new in 2022 was an electrically assisted bicycle (VAE). According to the Observatoire du cycle, the growth of the VAE should continue to represent half of sales by 2030. A proportion already exceeded in the Netherlands (57%) and which will soon be reached in Germany (48 % Last year).

The observatory stresses the importance of the government’s incentive measures, in particular aid for the purchase of electric bicycles, which have “contributed to the positive results of the industry”.

► French production up 7% compared to 2021

French bicycle production is up (7% compared to 2021) with 854,417 “made in France” bicycles out of the 2,596,199 purchased in 2022.

Just over half of the bicycles made in France are electric. Despite this progression of tricolor bicycles, France still imports the majority of cycles sold in France. Its main suppliers are Italy and Romania. China comes only very far behind, with barely 7% of imports.

If France imports a lot, it also exports a little. In 2022, nearly 250,000 French bicycles were sold abroad. The leading markets are Belgium and Germany, ahead of Spain and Italy.

►An average price of €916

On average, a new bike costs €916 to buy. But this figure includes both electric and conventional bikes.

Buying a non-electric bike costs on average around €500. The price bill triples when it comes to a VAE, sold on average around €1,500.

► 3.6 billion euros in cumulative turnover

The context of the health crisis has not slowed down the acceleration of cycling. Quite the contrary. The sector’s all-inclusive turnover has soared by 52% in 4 years. It has now reached 3.6 billion euros.

Bicycle sales account for around two-thirds of overall turnover (2.3 billion), while the parts and accessories market weighs around one-third of the total.

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