Boom in Oaxaca’s Zócalo sends concert-goers fleeing

by times news cr

It was during a concert at the Zócalo of Oaxaca capitalwhich were heard about Short bangs that made the audience fleeas seen in a video circulating on social media.

It was initially assumed that the Concert-goers fled due to violence in Mexicosince the National Urban Public Security Survey indicates that 59.4% of the population over 18 years of age declared that It is unsafe to live in your city.

These data were collected by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) in its survey from April to June 2024, indicating that Oaxaca had an increase of 2.1 pointsreaching the 59.9% perception of insecurity.

A bang in the Zócalo of Oaxaca causes concert-goers to flee; this is how it turned out on video

It was during the Concert by the 400 voice band from San Pablo Güila (who was accompanied by the Pluma dancers) who were heard about Thunder in the Zócalo of Oaxaca; the video It has already gone viral.

According to what was reported, it was around 6:00 p.m., in full concert that some intermittent bangs were heardreason why The attendees fled, believing that they were gunshots.

He video It also shows that at the time of fleeing, some motorcycles passed behind them Concertgoers at the Zócalo in OaxacaHowever, the vehicle has become a recurring feature in direct attacks on various entities.

For this reason, it can be perceived that While they flee and in the face of the thunderlos Concertgoers at the Zócalo They look back at the road they came from before trying to seek shelter.

However, the Secretariat of Citizen Security of the municipality of Oaxaca has already issued a statement clarifying that the The bangs were not gunshotsbut the exhaust pipes of police officers’ motorcycles.

According to what is stated in said publication (which was supported by a second video from the Quadratín media) the motorcycles were part of a ride from the Ex Marquesado church, also in Oaxaca.

Concert-goers were frightened by bangs that sounded like gunshots; these are the numbers of violence in Oaxaca

As mentioned by the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Oaxaca and as indicated by various media outlets, it is presumed that the Bangs during the Zócalo concert were mistaken for gunshots.

Although this has not been confirmed by any of the Concertgoers at the Zócalo in OaxacaIt was mentioned earlier that at least 59.9% feel unsafe in the city.

Likewise, as revealed by the figures of the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security Systemin the first 6 months of 2024 (January to June), were recorded 1,163 homicides in Oaxaca419 of them intentional.

He adds that in the state of Oaxaca only In June, 63 murders with firearms were reportedout of a total of 339 during the first half of 2024, however, the incidence of crime adds that they would not be the only crimes.

The crime incidence map shows that in June a total of 1,000 crimes were recorded. 175 thousand 36 crimes in Mexico3 thousand 30 in Oaxaca; but in the In the first half of 2024 there were 1,071,366 and 19,665 crimesrespectively.

Violence in Mexico (Dassaev Tellez Adame / Cuartoscuro)

2024-08-18 12:16:42

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