Boost Your Lung Health with These 4 Plants to Combat Winter Respiratory Issues

by time news

2024-02-04 08:04:00

Our lungs love these 4 plants

Winter is not her favorite season. Because the lungs suffer from the combination of bitter cold, dry heating air and nasty respiratory infections. It’s best to activate nature’s defenses the first time you scratch your neck! Certain plants can prevent pathogens from migrating into the bronchi or quickly transport them out again.

1. Thymian

It adds spice to many dishes, but is also one of the most effective germ killers. Studies show how good Thyme dissolves mucus in the bronchit, relieves coughing and stimulates the lungs to clean themselves. For tea, brew 1 teaspoon of herb with 200 ml of water, let it steep covered for 10 minutes, strain. If necessary up to four cupsone daily as a preventive measure.

#plants #good #lungs

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