Boost Your Metabolism for Weight Loss: Tips from Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse – 24vita Live Healthy

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2024-04-11 20:51:09

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    Many people want to lose weight and sometimes go on diets without success. Sports scientist Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse relies on the human metabolism when losing weight. In an interview with IPPEN.MEDIA, he reveals how we can boost it.

    Finally lose weight and stay slim permanently: For many people, this state is a dream that is difficult to achieve – despite numerous diets. Prof. Dr. However, Ingo Froböse (67) has some advice: The sports scientist swears by the human metabolism for successful weight loss. Froböse has already written various books about the mechanism of turbo metabolism, for example “The Metabolism Compass” or “The Anti-Abdominal Formula”. In an interview with IPPEN.MEDIA, he reveals tips on how you can use your metabolism to your advantage.

    Dear Prof. Dr. Froböse, how can we use metabolism to our advantage if we want to lose weight?

    “If you want to lose weight, you need an intact and healthy metabolism,” says Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse in an interview with IPPEN.MEDIA. © Christoph Hardt/IMAGO

    It is important that the metabolism is running at full speed. Metabolism is our body’s supply, distribution and energy-producing institution. You have to imagine that the metabolism produces 60-80 kg of energy every day to guarantee all of the body’s functions and also the body temperature of 36.6°. It becomes clear that a well-running and well-adjusted metabolism guarantees that we remain vital and efficient. And secondly, it ensures an optimal balance between all components of the body and the internal organs. The better your metabolism is, the better it helps us regulate our body weight. If you want to lose weight, you need an intact and healthy metabolism.

    Many experts are of the opinion that breakfast plays an important role on the way to your desired weight. With regard to metabolism: Do you see this clearly and what do you personally eat for breakfast to do something good for your metabolism?

    During the day we have an energy metabolism in order to be able to function optimally on the highway of life and at night we have a completely different metabolism, namely a building metabolism with completely different functions. At night we rebuild, repair and restore, while during the day we primarily have to be supplied with energy by our metabolism. This shows that we absolutely have to have a certain metabolically adequate diet in order to be able to correspond to the different rhythms of day and night and of stress and rest.

    It’s clear to me that I start the day with an energy-rich breakfast. When I go on a trip by car, the tank is filled first. The same applies in a similar way to the human organism. How else is it supposed to be able to fulfill its vital functions and guarantee our body temperature? If you want to do something good for your metabolism, you have to eat. I always start with a large glass of lemon water to quickly compensate for the fluid deficit from the night. For breakfast there is usually a wholesome bread – I currently love kamut bread – as well as a variety of muesli, consisting of oat flakes, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, hemp seeds, a dash of algae oil and natural yoghurt. I usually drink about a liter of herbal tea with this. Then I am equipped for the day with all the essential macro and micronutrients.

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    You have dedicated your own book to visceral belly fat: Can you give two simple everyday tips to prevent this unhealthy fat from forming and how to get rid of it?

    The visceral belly fat is really dangerous because it is hormonally active and, lying directly on the organs, leads to massive, diverse health-damaging effects. The most important thing in this context, which is also very easy to implement and extremely important for everyday life, is small meal breaks of four to six hours. These should be observed at least twice in everyday life. This means that after a good breakfast, you don’t give your body any more energy-rich foods or drinks for the next four to six hours. Only water and unsweetened white, green or black tea and coffee – but without sugar or cream – are allowed. The same applies after lunch until the evening. This gives the metabolism the opportunity to finally take a breath and carry out its actual tasks. I always call it small but everyday interval fasting.

    And ensure regular combustion. Reduce your sitting time by getting active for at least five minutes every hour. Always be active during your lunch break and on your way home in the evening. Walk around the block, ride a bike, or hit the gym. It is important that they become active and increase their metabolism every now and then. You will notice this because your breathing rate and your heart rate will become faster – which is an indication that your metabolism has now woken up from its coma. Take the stairs regularly: Then you will notice that your metabolism does not need to be afraid of greater stress.

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    In a previous interview with IPPEN.MEDIA, you recommended never fighting against fat: What exactly do you mean by that and how can people who want to lose weight successfully reduce weight?

    That’s right, because there are many people who, for example, have starved themselves to such an extent through many diets that they no longer have any muscle mass. They may appear to look good on the scales, but ultimately they are metabolically unhealthy. This is because losing weight always has to be about normalizing the body composition – that is, the balance of all parts of the body. It will never be about fighting fat.

    Instead, the active mass of the cells, i.e. the muscle cells, should be increased again. This is the only way to normalize body composition, which means that women should have 30% muscle mass and men should have around 40% muscle mass so that the metabolism can function normally again. So forget about fighting fat from now on, never save too many calories, but train your muscles. Because muscles are the biggest enemy of fat. In this respect, the muscles will help you to lead a normal, vital life again and at the same time bring an end to the fat mass.

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