Booster vaccination against Covid-19: which are the most advanced countries in Europe?

by time news

“We have to correct that”, thunders the president of the Technical Commission for Vaccinations at the High Health Authority, Elisabeth Bouvet, this Monday on France Info. “That” is the vaccination coverage against Covid-19 with two booster doses, that is to say generally four injections. It reaches “only” 30% among people aged at least 60, while an autumn campaign with new vaccines adapted to Omicron officially begins this Monday for at-risk categories.

Focusing on eligible people, i.e. those who received their first booster at least three months ago (for those over 80) or six months ago (for those 60-79) and who have not had the Covid less than three months ago, we are probably close to 50%. This remains quite low, and far from the 80% of people aged at least 60 who received a first booster dose.


In the midst of a new epidemic wave for a few weeks all over Western Europe, is the rest of the continent better “armed” than France? More or less, the vaccination coverage of those most at risk being quite variable among our main neighbors, according to official data compiled by Le Parisien.

One in two elderly people have received two reminders in Belgium

In Germany, 26.4% of residents aged 60 and over received two booster doses of vaccine. A little less than in France, therefore, but more than in Italy, where the vaccination coverage with two boosters reaches “only” 17.8% in this age group. Conversely, in Belgium, more than half of the inhabitants aged at least 65 have already received two booster doses. In Austria, this share reaches nearly 30%.

Comparisons with France are more difficult with regard to other countries, for which the data relate only to the booster doses administered since the end of the summer (generally with the new messenger RNA vaccines adapted to the Omicron variant).

In England, in just one month, nearly 30% of residents aged 60 or over have received an additional “booster” and are therefore as protected as possible. With 200,000 reminders administered each day, the campaign is progressing there at a rate… 15 times faster than in France. In the Netherlands, in two weeks, 5% of the over 60s stretched their arm once more. For Spain and Portugal, we only found vaccine coverage with a single booster dose, the administration of which began almost a year ago.

Several studies have shown that a 4th dose of vaccine provides additional protection compared to “only” three injections. Apart from the elderly, all adults at risk of serious forms (presence of comorbidities, pregnant women, etc.) and caregivers are also called upon to receive an additional booster in France.

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