Booties vs weapons: the curious presentation of a candidate in Santa Fe

by time news

The images of soldiers carrying weapons from whose barrel flowers come out were recorded in universal history: the Carnation Revolution, the Portuguese movement of the ’70s, marked the end of the dictatorship and the return of democracy and peace in that European country. Reminiscent of that feat, the national senator Dionisio Scarpin launched a curious campaign to be governor of Santa Fe.

The most important cities of the province appeared this week papered with posters of a weapon covered by a boota direct message to the problem of insecurity and drug violence that does not stop in Rosario.

“The boot represents hope, transparency and health,” explains Scarpín. And he completes: “In my understanding, politics is based on a conceptual error: all the national and provincial candidates fight to see who puts more cops on the streetwhich are necessary, but under this concept they have been failing for two decades”.

The senator distrusts the heavy hand and wants to face the campaign from another angle: focus on the social inequality, at the base of the conflict. But with the campaign that he started, whose slogan is #MenosBalasMasEscarpinesnot only attack the governor Omar Perottibut also his rival in the Juntos por el Cambio internship, Maximiliano Pullaro, former Santa Fe Security Minister.

“Perotti had a message that he was going to fight drug trafficking. He did not comply. In fact, he won the province in 2019 with the slogan of ‘Order and Peace’ arguing that Pullaro’s management had failed, ”he said in an interview on LT10, Radio Universidad del Litoral. And regarding his internal rival, he indicated: “Pullaro has already failed. So we consider that he is the past. We think Pullaro is part of the problem, not the solution.”

The posters were not the only representation of the curious campaign that launched Scarpin. Even before the posters appeared on the streets, journalists, businessmen, and politicians, among other social actors, received a mysterious box, with no return address and on whose cover one could read: “You are looking for a symbol of peace.” Inside was a boot.

The booties of the senator of Together for Change

It is that the senator decided not to wait any longer for the decision of his fellow bench, Caroline Losada, who still flirts with the possibility of launching. If the former journalist decides to compete, it will be a problem for Scarpín’s aspirations: “She did not define if she is going to play, that’s why I stepped on the accelerator,” argues the former mayor of Avellaneda.

Scarpín had a strong irruption in national politics after the president Alberto Fernandez will present a project to expropriate vincentin, the giant cereal company from the north of Santa Fe. The then mayor of Avellaneda took charge of the defense of the company. In 2021 he ended up in the Senate and now he will seek to succeed Perotti.

Meanwhile, the booties continue to break into emblematic spaces in the province: on Thursday the 30th, dozens of them appeared at the Monument to the Flag, at the Government House, in the municipalities of Rosario and Santa Fe, among other places.

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