Bordeaux University Hospital closes beds to spend the summer

by time news
The one-time reduction in the number of beds at the Bordeaux University Hospital comes a month after the announcement of the implementation of a restriction on access to emergencies at night. 238483065 / sudok1 –

The lack of staff and the fatigue of caregivers forced the management to reduce their reception capacity by 20% at the beginning of August.

French hospitals are preparing for a complicated summer, due to the lack of doctors and nurses. At the Bordeaux University Hospital, 600 beds out of 3,000 will thus be closed during the first two weeks of August to allow health professionals to take vacations, after two exhausting years of Covid, according to information from the daily. 20 minutes. However, there will be a few more beds open in July than last year, indicates in writing the press service of the Pellegrin hospital (the management did not wish to answer our questions).

According to the CHU, planning “very early” surgical operations should not lead, except in exceptional cases, to deprogramming. A summer crisis unit, bringing together doctors and hospital management, will be set up “to immediately anticipate any difficulty”. “This period is traditionally the one with the least activity each summer”, with in particular a reduction in scheduled care. Usually about 300 beds are closed at this time.

“The objective is to allow staff, who are already understaffed, to take some well-deserved and much needed leave after the two years we have experienced, while guaranteeing the quality and safety of care for patients for whom the recourse to the CHU is necessary”comments the Pr Mathieu Molimard, president of the medical community (CCM) at Pellegrin Hospital.

Shortage of caregivers

The temporary reduction in the number of beds at the Bordeaux University Hospital comes one month after the announcement of the implementation of a restriction on access to the emergency room at night – regulation of patients being ensured by the 15 or by volunteers from Civil Security at the entrance to the service. This measure made it possible to avoid a wave of collective resignations on the eve of the summer, reports 20 minutes. The situation of human resources tension is far from being specific to Bordeaux, according to the French Hospital Federation (FHF), which carries out annual surveys of its members. The latest, carried out in May, shows that the absenteeism of medical personnel is progressing very slightly, testifying to their state of exhaustion. Human resources departments confide in their difficulties in setting up schedules. The situation is even more worrying in hospitals located in tourist areas, with high summer attendance.

This is the first time that this phenomenon has taken on such a scale, affecting many hospitals in the territory.

Frédéric Valletoux, President of the FHF

“The shortage of caregivers, which has affected the hospital structurally for a long time and even more acutely since the Covid, is forcing certain establishments to reduce the airfoil in terms of activity this summer.confirms the president of the FHF, Frédéric Valletoux. This is the first time that this phenomenon has taken on such a scale, affecting many hospitals in the territory. A minimum number of doctors and nurses is required for a service to be open safely. “If hospital staff have postponed leave, suspended their departures on vacation or extended their working days for two years as part of the white plans, we cannot live under the influence of the emergency permanently and impose this rhythm all the years”he recalls

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