Bordering Brazil, Saint-Georges de l’Oyapock becomes the second sub-prefecture of the department

by time news

Saint-Georges de l’Oyapock has a new administrative status. The town, on the border with Brazil, became the second sub-prefecture of Guyana on Sunday.

For the occasion, the Minister Delegate for Overseas Territories, Jean-François Carenco, inaugurated the new sub-prefecture in this city of 4,300 inhabitants, less than a year after a promise to this effect, made in January by his predecessor Sébastien Lecornu.

A choice to compensate for the remoteness of Cayenne

Located opposite the Brazilian city of Oiapoque, from which it is separated by the Oyapock River, Saint-Georges is the gateway to French Guiana for many Brazilians. Until now, the latter had to go to Cayenne, the prefecture about 200 kilometers away, to apply for a residence permit or other administrative procedures. “This is one of the main objectives of this sub-prefecture”, detailed Guillaume Brault, the sub-prefect appointed to head it. “It’s to do these files in relation to the residence permits here, in Saint-Georges, to prevent people from moving and waiting in Cayenne”.

France, via Guyana, shares 730 kilometers of border with Brazil. Every day, hundreds of people cross the river in both directions. “We are in a community of river life”, recognized the minister delegate. The remoteness of Cayenne indeed encourages the population to turn to Oiapoque (28,000 inhabitants) for daily life.

Saint-Laurent du Maroni, the other sub-prefecture

The area of ​​action of the new sub-prefecture extends over “about a third of Guyana”, specified Guillaume Brault. It includes four municipalities: Saint-Georges, Ouanary, Regina and Camopi. Saint-Georges therefore becomes the second sub-prefecture of Guyana, after Saint-Laurent du Maroni, at the other end of the department, facing Suriname.

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