«Borgen», between fourth, fifth (and sixth) powers, the Norwegian Palace in an intelligent interweaving (score 8)- time.news

by time news
from Maurice Porro

The fourth season of Adam Price around the chiaroscuro of Oslo politicians

“Borgen” is a Norwegian series that since 2010 has intelligently intertwined public and private factors and tells us about the fourth and fifth estate and also the sixth estate which today is social media and puts us all at risk every minute of the day. After three admired seasons, now the product conceived and directed by Adam Price, who for once shows a real author’s hand, returns with a fourth season of 8 episodes, focused on a single economic-green problem that gets the leadership into trouble as foreign minister of the protagonist, the famous Birgitte Nyborg, already very active first female prime minister in Oslo and then, after a crisis, founder of the unprecedented New Democrats party. Now the discovery of the oil field in Greenland, a country linked to the business and socio-economic network of Denmark, is causing an international crisis because the company that has the task of extracting the “black gold” is located between the fjords of the remote and deserted Greenland, but the works are forcefully requested by Oslo which has to contend with the United States, China and Russia.

The presence of the latter casts a shadow of topicality on the subject, even if Ukraine has nothing to do with it. But, as always, the thirst for power and the desire to have 50% of the proceeds have to do with it, so there is a fearless tough fight between Denmark, which considers Greenland almost its protectorate, and the other super powers who set up ambassadors, spies, drones and threats. Everything is manipulated by the thirst for power and the desire to keep it, even on the part of our very kind lady who enters, after the divorce, into conflict with the rest of her party and with her son, causing ecological problems and the bio vision of the future world in Greta style . Not only that, but fans of Borgen (which in fact means Il Castello) will remember that there is the TV1 studio where journalists fight to present and comment on the tiggì of the evening, starting a series of practices that are not always of the first moral quality : now the boss is the former reporter Katrine, with a bumpy love life, contested by her parents, finally prey to a breakdown that comes at the right time.

In the background a class of politicians right-wing hustlers and double agents, a left that sees itself at sunset and in trouble and doesn’t know whether to betray its ideals, given that the added value of oil is attractive and can solve many problems, including social ones. And then there are always the hard and pure and the family quarrel is the generational one with the young Magnus who throws himself into politics and argues with his mother on TV, while his sister suffers a psychiatric crisis already in the third season and is now back as new. With the disappearance of the play press officer spin doctor of the first seasons, Kasper Juul, the always interesting plot of Nordic politics, is in the hands of the very good protagonist Sidse Babett Knudsen who is a real mine of nuances, of Brigitte Hjort Sorensen, of Soren Malling and of the numerous cast among which in these episodes the new press officer, the old enemy who becomes a right-handed adviser, the undersecretary who cultivates a relationship with the daughter of the Greenland boss (the only thing that: also not…) are highlighted.

And there’s no shortage of suspicious suicides, even more suspicious drones, American air raids, gaming consultations from the powerful and an ending that everyone agrees on and that seems like a point of no return. The pace is always sustained and even if the situations repeat themselves, the fact of entering the Palazzo (Pasolini’s) with all the comforts gives a feeling of privilege and interest in knowing the political situation of another country, discovering that, certainly with more bon ton than us, the world average tends to resemble each other in the venial and mortal sins of both politics and assault journalism. But let’s repeat it, the joker of the beautiful Danish series is precisely the intertwining and almost mortal embrace of the powers, among which the social one rightly appears today as the danger, poison that sends ideologies and values ​​into a tailspin with an ethical score.

November 30, 2022 (change November 30, 2022 | 07:12)

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