Boris Johnson is a clown … the leader of another country that has been badly criticized

by time news

Boris Johnson has been harshly criticized as a clown, a leader of another country.

He is none other than French President Emanuel Macron …

Recently, when a small boat capsized in the English Channel, killing 27 migrants on board, Macron called British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to talk about it.

But then Boris uploaded a letter to Macron on Twitter. It called for a joint patrol by the police of the two countries and an agreement to immediately deport those who crossed the English Channel from France into Britain.

But Macron did not know about the letter. Unaware that Boris had published such a letter, he was talking to Boris Johnson on the phone.

While Macron was talking to Boris Johnson on the phone, his aides told him that Boris had posted a letter like this on Twitter.

Macron was outraged when he told his aides about Boris Johnson.

To me he speaks well, speaks very politely, and we both talk like grown-ups, but, before or after talking like that, he does something like this. Macron has dismissed the same prank as continuing.

Britain is a country at its best, but as its leader is a clown, Macron has lashed out with words lined up from Brexit to the recent Boris Johnson Twitter letter.


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