Boris Johnson multiplies the excuses for not resigning

by time news

Boris Johnson was seriously shaken, Wednesday, May 25, in the House of Commons after the publication of the administrative report of forty pages on the “Partygate”. After more than six months of controversy, senior civil servant Sue Gray has finally published the details of the sixteen aperitifs and parties organized during the confinements of 2020 and 2021 at 10 Downing Street, the work residence of the Prime Minister, and in nearby ministries. .

The opposition took advantage of the ensuing debate to demand his resignation once again. Just like Conservative MP Tobias Elwood did. “I said it clearly to the Prime Minister: he does not have my support”, said in a calm voice this lifelong opponent of Boris Johnson. “I humbly ask my colleagues: ‘Are you ready to defend this behavior publicly day after day? »

A few minutes earlier, Boris Johnson had apologized “humbly”once again assuming “full responsibility for everything that happened under my authority”, but determined to remain in post for “focus on the priorities of the British”.

Starting pots that degenerate

The police admittedly considered that four of the sixteen events listed in the report complied with the rules. Most of the other twelve episodes were like farewell parties for senior officials from 10 Downing Street, with key speeches, for which the organizers had demanded in their emails that the rules of confinement be respected. However, in fact, as Sue Gray highlights in her report, these rules have not been respected, particularly in terms of social distancing. Either because the smallness of the premises did not allow it, or because the meeting was extended late and ended up degenerating.

Four parties really stand out, including the surprise birthday party held in honor of Boris Johnson while he was working in the government cabinet office. Published in the report, photos show a handful of people, all standing relatively far apart. Boris Johnson has already been fined for this surprise birthday. Three other events, organized in June and December 2020, and in April 2021, are like real parties. But Boris Johnson was not present there. The Prime Minister said, moreover, “appalled by the treatment of security and cleaning people”mocked by some of the revelers for wanting to end these meetings.

“The damning report”

Like the opposition, the entire British press said it was bewildered, on Wednesday May 25, by “the damning report” by Sue Gray who concludes: “Many of these events should not have been allowed. It is true that some less experienced civil servants believed that their participation was authorized given the presence of senior leaders”. Senior leaders who, according to the report, must assume ” the responsibility ” of all these events.

Damning, the report is in the eyes of all those who absolutely want to see the Prime Minister fall. And maybe they will succeed as Conservative MPs are worried about the repercussions of six months of uninterrupted media coverage of this scandal.

For his part, the Labor opposition leader Keir Starmer unsurprisingly called for the resignation of Boris Johnson for “restore dignity” in power : “You cannot both make the law and break it,” did he declare. But the latter is himself weakened by an ongoing police investigation into the « beergate »these beers shared with his team in the campaign last year despite the restrictions.

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