Borne calls for an end to “invectives” and the withdrawal of “obstruction amendments”

by time news

After a series of incidents in the Assembly, the Prime Minister takes the floor. Elisabeth Borne asked Monday evening for the “withdrawal of the obstruction amendments” on the pension reform project examined in the Assembly, and the end of the “invectives”.

“We really want there to be a democratic debate on this text, that we can discuss argument against argument, project against project”, declared to AFP the head of government, who is asking “both for a withdrawal of amendments which have no other purpose than to obstruct and delay the progress of the text, and also that the debates are held on the merits and not in invective”.

Green MPs announce they want to withdraw amendments

“The French deserve better”, insisted the head of government, calling for “not to multiply the amendments” which delay the progress of the text and “not to multiply the incidents”.

“Many of the amendments are there simply to prevent the debate from moving forward and obviously I regret that. And I ask the oppositions to allow the examination of the text to progress, so that the discussions can take place, ”she added.

In the Assembly, the Green MPs announced through the voice of Sandrine Rousseau wanting to “withdraw amendments” to “move forward”.

The debates got out of hand again on Monday when an LFI deputy, Aurélien Saintoul, called the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt “murderer” in the Assembly’s hemicycle, disrupting the examination of the pension reform project already slowed down by a rain of amendments, after an incident on Friday.

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