Bosnian Serbs Protest in Support of Separatist Leader Seeking Union with Serbia

by time news

Title: Bosnian Serbs Rally in Support of Separatist Leader Seeking Union with Serbia

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SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) — Bosnian Serbs took to the streets on Friday, waving flags of Serbia and Russia while brandishing banners featuring Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a show of support for their separatist leader’s quest to unite with neighboring Serbia.

The protests unfolded at the unmarked internal border in Bosnia, which divides the country into two distinct entities – the Bosnian Serb Republika Srpska and the Bosniak-Croat federation – as mandated by the U.S.-mediated peace deal that marked the end of the 1992-95 war.

Chanting slogans against a unified Bosnia, the Serb protesters briefly disrupted traffic between the two entities, however, no significant disturbances were reported.

Ljubisa Cosic, a Bosnia Serb official, declared, “We were always on the side of winners. We were always on the side of freedom. So our connection to the Russian Federation and Russian people is great,” highlighting the strong bonds between the Bosnian Serbs and Russia.

Leading the separatist movement, Bosnian Serb President Milorad Dodik, who enjoys a close relationship with Putin, has actively pursued the separation of Bosnian Serb territories from the rest of Bosnia, aiming to incorporate them into neighboring Serbia. Consequently, Dodik was subjected to sanctions by the U.S. in 2017.

With Serbia being aligned with Russia, concerns have arisen about the potential for intensified tensions in the volatile Balkans region. Many suspect that Serbia, as a Russian ally, might stoke conflicts to divert global attention from the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Bosnian prosecutors are preparing to press charges against Dodik for his separatist activities and for defying the decisions made by an international official who oversees peacekeeping efforts in the country.

If found guilty, Dodik could face up to five years of imprisonment as determined by a Bosnian court.

As the situation unfolds, the region braces for further developments, balancing the aspirations of the Bosnian Serbs for self-determination with concerns about the stability and overall peace in the Balkans.

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