Brain glioma in children, a new treatment achieves better results than standard chemotherapy –

by time news
from Vera Martinella

In patients who have low-grade neoplasm and the BRAF mutation, a combination of target therapy (tablets) appears more effective and of longer duration.

A combination of two different target therapy appears to be more effective than current standard chemotherapy against the most common form of brain tumor affecting children, the glioma. The results of a study presented during the annual congress of the American Cancer Society, just concluded in Chicago, indicate that with the duo of molecules in tablets it is possible to treat a higher percentage of small patients and to obtain a longer duration of therapy.

I study

The trial involved 110 children between the ages of 1 and 17, recruited in 57 centers in 20 different countries. “All had a diagnosis of low-grade glioma, a form of neoplasm that is not particularly aggressive, but which often cannot be completely removed due to the delicate position in which it arises – he explains. Enrico Franceschi, director of the oncology of the nervous system at the IRCCS Institute of Neurological Sciences of Bologna -. For this reason, a good number of patients have to undergo chemotherapy, either because the removal was partial or because the tumor progresses, or it still recurs. With current care 95% of patients are alive 5 years after diagnosis, but many of them have to receive multiple lines of chemotherapy, resulting in multiple hospital stays ”. For this the researchers wanted to compare in the subjects with the genetic mutation BRAF-600a new combination of molecules (dabrafenib plus trametinib) with standard chemotherapy (carboplatin plus vincristine).

BRAF mutation

«The BRAF mutation is present in approximately 15-20% of low-grade gliomas and it could be associated with a greater probability that the disease evolves into a more aggressive form »explains the expert. The results indicate that this is achieved with the target therapy mix a complete or partial response to the disease in 47% of children, versus 11% for chemo. Cancer remained stable in 86% of participants treated with the experimental care, compared to 46% with standard chemotherapy, and the mean time free from disease progression was over 20 months versus 7.4, respectively. “These results, if confirmed by research on larger numbers of participants, could change the standard therapy in low-grade glioma patients with BRAF mutation – concludes Farnceschi -. Not only do you get better results, but the new mix also improves the quality of life of children, who can take the tablets at home instead of going to the hospital for chemotherapy sessions. It is therefore important that all children with a diagnosis of low-grade glioma receive the genetic test to check if the BRAF mutation is present, in order to be able to customize and calibrate the treatment more effectively “.

June 9, 2022 (change June 9, 2022 | 19:28)

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