“Brain tumor”, what level of severity is it called “brain cancer”, check the risk symptoms: PPTVHD36

by time news

Cause of brain tumors

I must say There is no specific cause yet, but one of the factors that increase the risk of brain tumors is genetics, as well as having a history of having received radiation to the head. or has suffered a brain injury receiving immunosuppressive drugs or exposure to chemicals

Tumors can be divided into two main types:

  • Simple melanoma It is a tumor that grows abnormally but grows slowly. not cancer cells

Signs of “brain cancer” Severe headache – seizures Malignant tumors found early increase the chances of being cured.

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  • malignant tumors It is a tumor with abnormal cell growth, i.e. cancer cells. It may start in the brain area. or occur in other organs and spread to the brain Cancerous tumors grow rapidly, are difficult to control, and are likely to return after treatment.

4 levels of severity of brain tumors

  • Level at 1 A tumor at this level.. is still a slow-growing lump. and has not spread can be cured by surgery
  • Level at 2 It is moderate tumor severity. The tumor will infiltrate the brain tissue…can’t be cured!! But the tumors grow so slowly that they live for many years.
  • Level at 3 Tumors at this level are classified as “cancerous” and cannot be cured.
  • Level at 4 very severe level The patients usually died in a short period of time.

Signs that you may have a brain tumor

  • Severe headaches, often occurring when you wake up in the morning or when you go to bed at night.
  • Vomiting without preceding nausea
  • Have seizures, divided into “whole body seizures” and “local seizures” that cannot be controlled
  • Some people may suddenly lose consciousness.
  • Symptoms of pressure on certain parts of the brain, such as hemisphere weakness, blurred vision, or staggering.

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brain tumor can be treated by

  • Surgery, which may remove some or all of the tumor. This method is used in cases where the tumor is not dangerous to the patient.
  • Radiation is used as an additional treatment after surgery. or in the event that it cannot be completely removed by surgery Nowadays, there is a technique “3D irradiation” that can adjust the beam shape according to the shape of the tumor. and other parts of the brain receiving a small amount of radiation
  • Medication Some malignant brain tumors must be treated with chemotherapy. And some types of pituitary gland tumors…can be treated by controlled drugs. But chemotherapy is often expensive and unreimbursable. make the patient inaccessible to treatment

Can it be cured??

Whether it’s cured or not depends on the type of tumor. In some cases, the tumor can be completely removed. But some cases can not be completely eliminated, only part of the surgery can be done to allow the patient to live longer.

Thank you for information from: Phyathai Hospital and Department of Medical Services

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