Brands identify us by Marta Royo

by time news

Today I have the pleasure of starting a collaboration with one of the great newspapers in our country, with one that was bought at home when I was little. It was worth five dollars, for young people today, five dollars was twenty-five pesetas, which would not yet be equivalent to a quarter of a euro.

I introduce myself. Am Marta Royo Espinet (on Twitter @mroyoespinet), mother of three children from Sarria, studied Economics and became a professional, studying hard while already working, in advertising and communication. It should be said that if when you are 18 years old, you make the wrong career (today, a degree) nothing happens…

After working for more than 15 years as an employee in large multinationals, in 2011 I ventured to create my own project: A small advertising consultancy specialized in small and medium-sized companies and entrepreneurs. The jewel in the crown is called Mosaiking Comunicació. The business idea of Mosaikingconvert (undifferentiated) products with brands (with values ​​that transmit emotions) helping to define the basic message that you want to communicate.

I also love writing and chatting. I have collaborated in several communication media always talking about communication and brands, and I have also written a book, ‘Aroma de Marca’, which is a summary of my professional career, with practical examples and very pleasant and fun to read. oh! and for all audiences, since advertising is a discipline aimed at everyone, both adults and children. For any business or company it is a duty (I would dare to say it is an obligation) to have its brand well created in order to make it known. Because if we are not the ones who create our brand, there will always be someone who will do it for us. So, you have to lose the fear of advertising.

After briefly introducing myself, I will talk about the new monthly section Marc@ Royo. The idea is to talk about current affairs, but always in terms of brand and communication: new launches, brand crises, personal brands, how politicians communicate, notorious campaigns…

If a newspaper should explain current affairs, otherwise it wouldn’t be a newspaper, how about doing it in this small piece of the newspaper in a brand key?

Ladies and gentlemen, life is a brand. We live surrounded by brands. Every day we are impacted by more than 1,000 different brands, from when we get up, until we go to sleep. Let’s do a little reminder since we’ve woken up? The brand of the mobile, the shower gel, the shampoo, the toothpaste, the cream, the coffee, the jeans, the shoes, the cologne, the computer, the pencil, the glasses , the one with the water bottle, the one with the bag, the one with the bike, the one with the car…

Because a brand is everything that has its own entity and that makes it different from other similar products.

To close the column of the first day, today I will talk about the house brand: EL PERIÓDICO DE CATALUNYA, a progressive newspaper founded in 1978 in the post-Franco period. A newspaper that, after almost 45 years, is at the forefront. A newspaper that has wanted to differentiate itself by its format, originally large, giving great importance to graphic elements and introducing a lot of sports that, until then, had only been contemplated in sports newspapers. This was the bet of the newspaper and what made it stand out in a very turbulent moment where there were more than 13 headers.

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Today, in two languages ​​and fully digitized, with top-level editors, it is the most widely read newspaper in Catalonia. It must be for something, I say.

Long live EL PERIÓDICO and that I can participate!

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