Brasília stands out negatively in infraction research

by time news

2023-12-13 20:52:07

With more than 36 thousand violations of the Dry Law, Brasília is the second capital in the country with the highest number of occurrences

According to the National Traffic Secretariat (SENATRAN), of the Ministry of Transport, Brasília is the second capital with the highest number of infractions related to Law 11,705/2008, known as Dry Law, with more than 36 thousand infractions registered in the National Traffic System (SNT). Ahead of the capital is Belo Horizonte (MG), with 48 thousand incidents.

Still according to the survey, considering all the capitals and municipalities categorized, Brasília was the place with the most days of registration of violations of the dry law, totaling 4,943 days, around 90% of all those included in the 15-year period of the law ( 5,477). The capital is also the place where the vehicle with the highest number of Prohibition violations was caught, with 9 registrations, all in 2010.

Since 2008, the inspection actions carried out by all traffic agencies in the Federal District (Detran-DF/PMDF/DER-DF), in combating this infraction, have registered 261,627 fines in the region for driving under the influence of alcohol or another narcotic substance , as provided for in article 165 and 165-A of the Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB). As a form of prevention, Detran informs that it regularly promotes educational actions, such as the Rolê Consciente project, in bars and restaurants. Another episode of this event is scheduled to take place this Thursday (14) until Saturday (16), at Asa Sul.

The unprecedented report was presented on September 25th at the end of National Traffic Week in Brasília. Based on the observations made, with data collected from the National Registry of Traffic Infractions (Renainf) between June 20, 2008 and June 19, 2023, the secretariat was able to outline the dominant profile of offenders, using as the main basis the identification of owners of vehicles.

In more than 80% of cases, drivers are male and 90% of drivers are over 30 years old, who obtained, on average, their first license 16 years ago from the date of the infraction. Complementing the studies of locations and regions, an analysis of periods of occurrence was carried out. In a breakdown by day of the week, 58% of registrations occur on the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) and 70% occur at night, with a peak between 11pm and midnight. On Sunday, however, this peak occurs between 5 pm and 6 pm. The research highlighted that inspection operations (blitz) happen more frequently in these periods of time, which also influences the highest rate collected.

Traffic departments (Detrans) were responsible for more than 44% of fines, while the Federal Highway Police (PRF), alone, is the body with the highest number of fines, with more than 330 thousand incidents. The document intends to serve as a basis so that the Federal Government, as well as the governors of each municipality, city and state, can plan more efficient actions to combat traffic violations, such as: carrying out more responsive inspection, setting up a working group permanent to evaluate the data collected and promote improvements in the structuring of data and infraction systems.

The Dry Law has undergone some changes in legislation since it was titled, mainly in relation to the amounts of fines applied. Initially, in 2008, the penalty assigned was a fine of R$957.69, in 2012 the tolerance for blood alcohol concentration became zero and there was a change in the value, which doubled, remaining R$1,915.38 and, in 2016 , the breathalyzer test became mandatory and the fine was set at R$2,934.70, ten times the reference value for infractions of a very serious nature. In every year, the offender was also penalized with the suspension of the National Driving License (CNH) for one year and the fines were doubled in case of repeat offense within 12 months.


Furthermore, since the legislation was last maintained in 2018, in cases of fatal accidents, a drunk driver can be imprisoned for 8 years. Currently, just refusing to take a breathalyzer test already leads to a violation and penalties can be applied. These attitudes amounted to more than 1.5 million infractions in recent years, representing a considerable increase and already exceeding the recurrence of infractions due to alcohol in the blood.

“The Dry Law acts in an illegal conduct that greatly increases the risks of accidents and deaths in traffic, and must be seen as a priority for action on the part of traffic managers”, concludes the report.

#Brasília #stands #negatively #infraction #research

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